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Rinne test [rin´ĕ] a tuning fork test that compares the duration of perception by bone conduction and by air conduction. In the normal ear, the fork is heard twice as long by air conduction as by bone conduction. Rinne test: A, Normal: sound is heard twice as long by air conduction (AC) as by bone conduction (BC); a “positive” Rinne, or AC > BC. B, Conductive loss: person hears as long by bone conduction (AC = BC) or even longer (AC < BC), a “negative” finding on the Rinne test. C, Sensorineural loss: normal ratio of AC > BC is intact but is reduced overall . That is, person hears poorly both ways. From Jarvis, 2000.Rin·ne test (rin'nĕ), test compaing the ability to hear by air conduction with the ability to hear by bone conduction. By placing the tines of a vibrating tuning fork near the pinna, the acoustic stimulus is presented by air conduction, and by placing the stem of a vibrating tuning fork on the mastoid process, the acoustic stimulus is presented by bone conduction. In conductive hearing losses, the stimulus is heard louder and longer by bone conduction. In sensorineural hearing losses, the stimulus is heard louder and longer by air conduction. The result of the test is reported for each ear as air conduction is found to be greater than bone conduction, or vice versa. This information is combined with the result of the Weber tuning fork test in interpretating the type of hearing loss.Rinne test Audiology A test in which a tuning fork is used to determine whether hearing loss is conductive or sensorineural in nature. Cf Weber test. Rin·ne test (rin'ĕ test) A vibrating tuning fork is held alternately with the base touching the mastoid process and with the prongs near the external ear. Normally the sound can be heard by air conduction longer than by bone conduction; the reverse phenomenon indicates conductive hearing loss in the ear tested. Rinne testA hearing test using a vibrating tuning fork which is held near the ear and held at the back of the skull.Mentioned in: Hearing Tests with a Tuning ForkRinne, Friedrich Heinrich A., German otologist, 1819-1868. Rinne test - a hearing test using a vibrating tuning fork.LegalSeeTest |