

单词 sdf



Syntax Definition Formalism. A language for lexical andsyntactic specification.

["The Syntax Definition Formalism SDF - Reference Manual",J. Heering et al, Centre for Math & CS, Amsterdam].

["Algebraic Specification", J.A. Bergstra et al eds, ACM Press1989, Chap 6. To appear].


(Standard Data Format) A simple file format that uses fixed length fields. It is commonly used to transfer data between different programs.

 Pat Smith 5 E. 12 St. Rye NY Ed Jones 20 Main St. New Hope PACSVIn contrast to SDF, the comma separated values (CSV) format uses variable length fields. "Pat Smith","5 E. 12 St.","Rye","NY" "Ed Jones","20 Main St.","New Hope","PA"


SDFSyrian Democratic Forces
SDFSans Domicile Fixe (French: Homeless)
SDFSame Deutz-Fahr (Italian agricultural machinery manufacturer)
SDFStromal Cell-derived Factor
SDFSelf Defense Force (US DoD)
SDFSelf-Defense Forces (Japan)
SDFSocial Democratic Front (Cameroon)
SDFSearch Dog Foundation (est. 1996; Ojai, CA)
SDFSomaliland Development Fund
SDFSoftware Delivery and Fulfillment
SDFSystem Data Format
SDFStructured Directory Format
SDFStandard Data Format
SDFSoftware Development Forum
SDFService Data Function
SDFSystem Data File
SDFSun Development Framework
SDFStructured Data Format
SDFSystem Dialog Facility
SDFSpace Delimited Format
SDFSoftware Development Facility
SDFShutdown Function
SDFSolidarité des Français (French: French Solidarity)
SDFSustainable Development Fund
SDFSynchronous Data Flow (signal processing)
SDFSwitch Disconnector Fuse (power distribution systems)
SDFSkills Development Fund (South Africa)
SDFScottish Drugs Forum (UK)
SDFSocial Democratic Federation
SDFSyntax Definition Formalism
SDFSûreté de Fonctionnement
SDFSocial Design Fund (Japan)
SDFSpillway Design Flood (hydrology)
SDFSpatial Data File (Autodesk, Inc.)
SDFStandard Data Format (file name extension)
SDFSony Defense Force
SDFStandard Delay Format
SDFSpecialdistriktsförbund (Sweden)
SDFSystem Data Format (Telabs)
SDFSingle Degree of Freedom
SDFSuper Dimensional Fortress (Macross/Robotech anime series)
SDFStaff Development Forum (UK)
SDFService Data Function (ITU-T & ETSI)
SDFSocial Development Foundation (India)
SDFStrategic Development Fund (UK)
SDFService Delivery Framework
SDFSafing and Deservicing Facility
SDFSimplified Directional Facility (US FAA)
SDFSugar Development Fund
SDFSynchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter
SDFSustainable Development Framework
SDFScreen Definition Facility
SDFSanayee Development Foundation
SDFScience Data Formatter
SDFStandard Delay File
SDFLouisville, KY, USA - Standiford Field (airport code)
SDFSoftware Development Framework
SDFSchool District Finance (legislation)
SDFSwiss Dairy Food
SDFSans Difficulté Financière
SDFSoftware Development Folder
SDFSales Disclosure Form (Indiana)
SDFSaviya Development Foundation (Sri Lanka; est. 1991)
SDFStep-Down Fix (aviation)
SDFStatus Display Facility
SDFState Dedicated Fund (New York)
SDFSelf-Defense Fleet
SDFSoft Decision Feedback
SDFSystem Development Facility
SDFSludge Derived Fuel
SDFSleazy Disco Folk (band)
SDFSalik Development Foundation (est. 1989; Pakistan)
SDFSubclass Data File
SDFStandard Distance File
SDFSimulation Data Format
SDFSegment Delay Fault
SDFServer Definition File
SDFSafety Data File
SDFSecure Digital Facsimile
SDFSoftware Development Facility/File
SDFScan Distribute Function (AT&T)
SDFSurface Direct Fire
SDFStart Data Flow
SDFSleep Disorder Facility
SDFSpartan Dominion Forums
SDFSignificant Data File
SDFSeverity Distribution Function
SDFSupplier's Data File
SDFShape Data File
SDFSpin-unrestricted Density Functional
SDFScreen Door Film (Austin, TX)
SDFSignal Detection Factor
SDFStandard Dual Frame
SDFSuper Density Fiberboard
SDFSuitability Determination File
SDFStrategic Defensive Forces
SDFFamily-Based Stepper Dispatch Algorithm (scheduling rule)




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