Acronym | Definition |
SDE➣Software Development Engineer |
SDE➣SOF (Special Operations Forces) Digital Environment |
SDE➣Sustainable Development Education |
SDE➣Small Diesel Engine |
SDE➣Secretaria de Estado (Portuguese: Secretary of State; various locations) |
SDE➣Stochastic Differential Equation |
SDE➣Statistical Design of Experiments |
SDE➣Sleep Deprived EEG (electroencephalography) |
SDE➣Software Development Environment |
SDE➣Software Design Engineer |
SDE➣Southern Daily Echo (UK; newspaper) |
SDE➣Standard Deviation of the Error |
SDE➣System Development Environment |
SDE➣Senior District Executive |
SDE➣Signal Distribution Equipment |
SDE➣Service Delivery and Engineering (US VA) |
SDE➣Service Desk Express (software) |
SDE➣Sodium Reactor Experiment |
SDE➣Spatial Database Engine |
SDE➣Smart Device Extensions |
SDE➣Submission and Delivery Entity |
SDE➣Server Desktop Engine |
SDE➣Solaris Data Encryption |
SDE➣Solution Development Environment |
SDE➣Stimuleringsregeling Duurzame Energieproductie (Dutch: Renewable Energy Production Incentive) |
SDE➣Surface Drilling Equipment (various companies) |
SDE➣Sub Divisional Engineer |
SDE➣Screen Door Effect (display artifact) |
SDE➣Same Day Edit (videography) |
SDE➣System Design Engineering |
SDE➣Safety Domain ECU (Electronic Control Unit; TRW Automotive) |
SDE➣Shared Data Environment |
SDE➣Seller's Discretionary Earnings |
SDE➣State Designated Entity |
SDE➣Service Development Environment |
SDE➣Service Delivery Environment (telecommunications) |
SDE➣Standard Data Element |
SDE➣Shipment Delivery Express (Florence, Italy) |
SDE➣Secure Data Exchange |
SDE➣Shallow Dose Equivalent |
SDE➣Senior Developmental Education (Military education) |
SDE➣Service de l'Emploi (French: Employment Service; Switzerland) |
SDE➣Source-Drain Extension |
SDE➣Special Digital Edition |
SDE➣State Department Education |
SDE➣Standard Delivery Element (production) |
SDE➣Sustainable Development and Environmental Health |
SDE➣Supplier Development Engineer |
SDE➣Schéma de Développement Economique |
SDE➣Submission and Delivery Entity (ITU-T) |
SDE➣Support Data Extension |
SDE➣Specific Dynamic Effect |
SDE➣Service de l'Etudiant (French: Student Service) |
SDE➣Statement on the Defence Estimates |
SDE➣Signal Display Editor |
SDE➣Software Demonstration Evaluation |
SDE➣Simple Delay Equalization (Hekimian) |
SDE➣Scope Definition Element |
SDE➣Susquehanna Diversified Engineering |
SDE➣Simulated During Exercise |