Acronym | Definition |
SDD➣SQL (Structured Query Language) Database Developer |
SDD➣Solution Deployment Descriptor |
SDD➣Solution Deployment Descriptor (OASIS) |
SDD➣Stardust Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh card; gaming) |
SDD➣Social Dimensions of Development |
SDD➣Sudan Dinar (Currency Unit, ISO) |
SDD➣System Development and Demonstration |
SDD➣Senior Deputy Director (various organizations) |
SDD➣Service Deployment Descriptor |
SDD➣Siobhan Davies Dance (UK) |
SDD➣Sensory Discrimination Disorder (neurological disorder) |
SDD➣Storage Device Division (computer storage; Toshiba) |
SDD➣Severe Developmental Disability |
SDD➣Software Design Description |
SDD➣Software Detailed Design |
SDD➣Software Description Database |
SDD➣System Distribution Directory |
SDD➣Subscriber Data Document |
SDD➣Satellite Demodulator and Decoder |
SDD➣Subsystem Device Driver |
SDD➣Secure Device Deployment |
SDD➣Smart Diary Suite Data |
SDD➣Super Density Disk |
SDD➣Storage Device Division |
SDD➣Sammlung Deutscher Drucke (German: Collection of German Prints) |
SDD➣Silicon Drift Detector |
SDD➣SAS Drug Development |
SDD➣System Design and Development |
SDD➣Software Design Document |
SDD➣Subsystem Device Driver (IBM-ESS) |
SDD➣Secure Document Destruction (various locations) |
SDD➣Sustainable Design and Development |
SDD➣Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract |
SDD➣Software Design and Development |
SDD➣System Design Document |
SDD➣Speed Detection Device (various locations) |
SDD➣Software Distribution Directory (Novell) |
SDD➣San Diego Dialogue (San Diego, CA) |
SDD➣System Description Document |
SDD➣Solution Definition Document |
SDD➣Software Description Document |
SDD➣System Design Description |
SDD➣Scottish Development Department (for pollution) |
SDD➣Salle de Douches (French: shower room) |
SDD➣San Diego Division (Hewlett-Packard) |
SDD➣Segment Design Document |
SDD➣Situation Data Display |
SDD➣Same Day Delay |
SDD➣Student Development Department (various organizations) |
SDD➣Standard Delivery Date |
SDD➣Subantimicrobial-Dose Doxycycline |
SDD➣Soft Decision Decoding |
SDD➣Supplier Diversity Development |
SDD➣Specific Developmental Disorder |
SDD➣Solution Design Document |
SDD➣Store Door Delivery (shipping) |
SDD➣Scheduled Delivery Date |
SDD➣Secure Data Device |
SDD➣System Development Division (IBM) |
SDD➣Single-Symbol Decodable Design |
SDD➣Silicon Drift Diode |
SDD➣Secure Document Delivery |
SDD➣Snoop Doggy Dog |
SDD➣Staff Development Division (various organizations) |
SDD➣Software Development Document |
SDD➣Song and Drama Division (India) |
SDD➣Symbolic Defined Device |
SDD➣Software Data Dictionary |
SDD➣Software Development Department |
SDD➣Solar Diffuser Door |
SDD➣Security Due Diligence |
SDD➣Second Digitized Division (US Army) |
SDD➣Services and Development Division |
SDD➣Soft Decision Demodulation |
SDD➣Security Design Description |
SDD➣Stutter Dialing Device |
SDD➣Strictly Diagonal Dominance |
SDD➣System Definition Directive |
SDD➣Scuba Doo Divers |
SDD➣Separate Differential Detection |
SDD➣Shuttle Design Directive (US NASA) |
SDD➣Small Discrete Devices |
SDD➣Subject Drop Device |
SDD➣Set Decision Diagram (computers) |
SDD➣Software Dependability Demonstration |
SDD➣Solvent Decantation Department |
SDD➣Soft Design Document |
SDD➣Service Delivery Dashboard |
SDD➣System Dependent Data |
SDD➣Séisme de Dimensionnement (French: Designed Earthquake) |
SDD➣SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Direct Debit (regulatory system to harmonize direct debit payments across Europe) |