Ascoli reaction

As·co·li re·ac·tion

(as'kō-lē), a method for confirming the diagnosis of anthrax by means of a precipitin reaction, which indicates the presence of heat-stable Bacillus anthracis antigen in the extracted tissue.

As·co·li test

(as-kō'ēl test) Method to detect anthrax that uses a precipitin test with antiserum and tissue extract.
Synonym(s): Ascoli reaction.
[Alberto Ascoli, 1877-1957, Italian veterinarian]

Ascoli reaction

A thermoprecipitation test for anthrax; used for detection of anthrax bacilli. Synonym: Ascoli testSee also: Ascoli, Alberto


Alberto, Italian serologist, 1877-1957. Ascoli reaction - a method for confirming the diagnosis of anthrax.Ascoli test - a precipitin test for anthrax using a tissue extract and anthrax antiserum.