释义 |
Von. For some German names beginning thus, see under the proper name; e.g., for Otto von Bismarck, see Bismarck, Otto vonBismarck, Otto von , 1815–98, German statesman, known as the Iron Chancellor. Early Life and Career
Born of an old Brandenburg Junker family, he studied at Göttingen and Berlin, and after holding minor judicial and administrative offices he was elected ..... Click the link for more information. .VON(Voice On the Net, Video On the Net) A trade show sponsored by pulver.com, Melville, NY (www.pulver.com) that covers the transport of voice and video over the Internet. Conceived by Jeff Pulver, a specialist in the Internet and IP telephony fields, the first VON conference was held in San Francisco in 1997. Pulver also produces The Pulver Report, an email newsletter covering the industry.von
von (von), Often abbreviated to v. For names with this prefix not found here, see under the principal part of the name.VON
Acronym | Definition |
VON➣Victorian Order of Nurses (Canada) | VON➣Video over the Net | VON➣Vault of Night (gaming) | VON➣Vrij Op Naam (Dutch real-estate term) | VON➣Voice on the Net | VON➣Value Overlay Network | VON➣Voice of Nigeria | VON➣Voice Over Network | VON➣Voice on the Net Coalition | VON➣Voice On the Network | VON➣Virtual On-Net | VON➣Victory Orgasm Nazis (band) | VON➣Virtual Overlay Network | VON➣Verkoop Op Naam (Dutch real estate term) | VON➣Virtual Optical Network |
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