Tonto National Forest
Tonto National Forest
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Size: Almost 3,000,000 acres.
Location:Central Arizona. Accessible by I-17, AZ 87, 188, 288, and 260; US 60, 77, 80, and 89. Nearby cities/towns include Cave Creek, Globe, Mesa, Miami, Payson, Phoenix, Pine, Superior, Roosevelt, and Young.
Facilities:Visitors center, 92 campgrounds, picnic areas, trails (nearly 900 miles), scenic drives.
Activities:Camping, hunting, fishing, boating, sailing, canoeing, rafting, swimming, water-skiing, target shooting, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, OHV riding, rock hounding, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Ranks among the most-visited national forests. Comprised of desert, canyons, chaparral, woodlands, and conifer forests. Points of interest include Roosevelt Lake Visitor Center; prehistoric sites Sears-Kay ruins and Shoofly Village; 8 wilderness areas totaling 589,300 acres; Salt and Verde rivers, portions of which are designated Wild and Scenic; lakes (Roosevelt, Apache, Canyon, and Saguaro) and reservoirs (Bartlett and Horseshoe).
See other parks in Arizona.