OVIOhio Volunteer Infantry
OVIOpen View Interconnect
OVIOnderstepoort Veterinary Institute
OVIOperating a Vehicle while Intoxicated
OVIOpen Verilog International
OVIOptically Variable Ink
OVIoperating a vehicle while impaired
OVIOrt von Interesse (German)
OVIOcean Voice International (Canadian environmental group)
OVIOffice of Volunteerism Initiatives (US FEMA)
OVIObjective Verifiable Indicator (project management)
OVIOpera Volunteers International
OVIOperator Vehicle Interface (unmanned air research)
OVIOrganic Volatile Impurity
OVIOmega Vintage Information (Omega Watch Company)
OVIOverriding Variable Insertion
OVIOcean View Investment
OVIOut of Vehicle for Investigation (law enforcement)