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ring enhancement ring en·hance·mentin computed tomography, when a bright circle appears on an image made after injection of contrast medium, characteristic of localization of the contrast in the wall of an abscess.A CT finding in the brain consisting of a radiolucent zone surrounded by a faint radiodense rim, in turn surrounded by a 2nd radiolucent zone outside of the rim, where the rings correspond to regional oedema, hypervascularity and hypercellularity with early ingrowth of fibroblasts. Ring enhancement is a nonspecific finding typically linked to early cerebral abscesses DiffDx Infections—pyogenic abscess, toxoplasmosis, cysticercosis, necrotising fungal lesions; neoplasms—brain tumours—e.g., aggressive glial tumours, cystic astrocytoma, primary brain lymphoma, metastases with central necrosis; demyelinating disease; vascular lesions—resolving infarction, hematoma, thrombosed giant aneurysm; radiation therapy; postoperative changes; IV contrast material may be used to enhance faint radiodense ‘rings’ring enhancement Imaging A CT finding in the brain consisting of a radiolucent zone surrounded by a faint radiodense rim, in turn is surrounded by a 2nd radiolucent zone outside of the rim, where the rings correspond to regional edema, hypervascularity and hypercellularity with early ingrowth of fibroblasts; RE is a nonspecific finding typically linked to early cerebral abscesses DIffDx Brain tumors–eg, cystic astrocytoma, or metastases with central necrosis; IV contrast material may be used to enhance faint radiodense 'rings' |