spinal adjustment

spinal adjustment

A generic term referring to the main type of treatment provided by chiropractors; the most common adjustment techniques used in chiropractic are the high-velocity, low-force recoil thrust and the rotational thrust.

spinal adjustment

Chiropractic The main type of treatment provided by chiropractors; the most common SA used in chiropractic is a high-velocity, low-force recoil thrust and rotational thrust. See Chiropractic, Recoil thrust, Rotational thrust, Spinal misalignment.

spi·nal ad·just·ment

(spī'năl ă-jŭst'mĕnt) Manual method of specific osseous movement of the vertebrae using controlled force, direction, leverage, amplitude, and velocity; typically performed by a chiropractor.
Synonym(s): adjustment (1) .