Acronym | Definition |
SCW➣Supreme Council for Women (Bahrain) |
SCW➣Sun City West (various organizations; Arizona) |
SCW➣Security Configuration Wizard (Microsoft) |
SCW➣Spanish Civil War |
SCW➣Single Code Word |
SCW➣Security Configuration Wizard |
SCW➣Sql Conversion Workbench |
SCW➣Sociaal Cultureel Werk (Dutch: Socio-Cultural Work) |
SCW➣Syktyvkar (Russia) |
SCW➣Southern Championship Wrestling (New Zealand) |
SCW➣Single Codeword |
SCW➣Supercritical Water |
SCW➣Solid Core Wood |
SCW➣Supercritical Water Oxidation |
SCW➣Sports Council Wales (UK) |
SCW➣SEABEE Combat Warfare |
SCW➣Supreme Championship Wrestling (Madison, IN) |
SCW➣Sucking Chest Wound |
SCW➣Shibuya Custom Works (Western Arms Airsoft) |
SCW➣Super-Critical Wing |
SCW➣Safety Check Wizard (Online Armor Security Suite) |
SCW➣Speech Coding Workshop |
SCW➣Saitama College of Welfare (Japan) |
SCW➣Substorm Current Wedge (magnetospheric physics) |
SCW➣Superconductor Week (newsletter) |
SCW➣Social Case Worker |
SCW➣Skating Club of Wilmington, Inc. (Delaware; est. 1981) |
SCW➣Shaped Charge Warhead |
SCW➣Service Clarified Water |
SCW➣Secondary Cooling Water |
SCW➣Serious Chopper Warlords (gaming clan) |
SCW➣Stamps Community Watch |
SCW➣Single Command Write |
SCW➣Steam Cooled Walls |
SCW➣Stator Cooling Water (generators) |
SCW➣Women's Reserve, Supply Corps (US Navy) |