

pref.1. Up; upward: upheave.2. Upper: upland.
[Middle English, from Old English ūp-, upp-; see upo in Indo-European roots.]


prefix up, upper, or upwards: uproot; upmost; upthrust; upgrade; uplift.



adv., prep., adj., n., v. upped, up•ping. adv. 1. to, toward, or in a more elevated position. 2. to or in an erect position: to stand up. 3. out of bed: to get up. 4. above the horizon: The moon came up. 5. to or at any point that is considered higher. 6. to or at a source, origin, center, or the like. 7. to or at a higher point or degree, as of rank, size, value, or intensity: Prices went up. Speak up! 8. to or at a point of equal advance, extent, etc.: to catch up in a race. 9. in continuing contact, esp. as reflecting continuing awareness or knowledge: to keep up with the news. 10. into or in activity, operation, etc.: to set up shop. 11. into a state of emotional agitation: Don't get all worked up. 12. into existence, view, prominence, or consideration: The lost papers turned up. 13. into or in a place of safekeeping, storage, etc.: to put up preserves. 14. into or in a state of union, contraction, etc.: to add up a column of figures. 15. to the final point; to an end; entirely: to be used up. 16. to a halt: The car pulled up. 17. (used with a verb for additional emphasis): Wake your brother up. 18. at bat in baseball. 19. ahead; in a leading position in a competition. 20. each; apiece: The score was 20 up. 21. Informal. without ice; straight up. 22. Naut. toward the wind: Put the helm up. prep. 23. to, toward, or at a higher place on or in: to go up the stairs. 24. to, toward, or at a higher station, condition, or rank on or in: being well up the social ladder. 25. at or to a farther point or higher place on or in: The store is up the street. 26. toward the source, origin, etc., of: to float up a stream. 27. toward or in the interior of (a region, etc.). 28. in a direction contrary to that of: to row up the current. adj. 29. moving in or related to a direction that is up or is regarded as up: the up elevator. 30. informed; familiar; aware (usu. fol. by on or in): I'm not up on current events. 31. concluded; ended: Your time is up. 32. going on or happening: What's up over there? 33. having a high position or station: to be up in society. 34. in an erect, vertical, or raised position: The tent is up. 35. above the ground: The corn is up. 36. (of heavenly bodies) risen above the horizon. 37. awake or out of bed. 38. mounted on horseback. 39. (of water in natural bodies) high with relation to the banks or shore. 40. built; constructed. 41. facing upward. 42. sunnyside up. 43. in a state of agitation. 44. cheerful or optimistic; exuberant; upbeat. 45. afoot or amiss: Her nervous manner told me that something was up. 46. higher than formerly in amount, degree, etc.: The price of meat is up. 47. in a state of enthusiastic or confident readiness (usu. fol. by for). 48. being or due to be prosecuted: to be up for fraud. 49. in operation or ready for use; working: The theater's lights are up. 50. ahead of an opponent in a competition: He's two sets up. 51. considered or under consideration: a candidate up for reelection. 52. wagered; bet. 53. living or located inland or on elevated ground: They live two miles up from the coast. n. 54. an upward movement; ascent. 55. a time of good fortune, prosperity, etc.: the ups and downs in a career. 56. Informal. a feeling or state of happiness or exuberance. 57. Slang. upper 2. 58. an upward slope; elevation. 59. an upward course or rise, as in price or value. v.t. 60. to put or take up. 61. to make larger; step up: to up output. 62. to raise; go better than (a preceding wager). v.i. 63. Informal. to start up; begin something abruptly (usu. fol. by and and another verb): Then he upped and ran away from home. 64. (often used imperatively or hortatively) to stand or rise up: Up, men, and fight! Idioms: 1. on the up and up, worth believing; honest; trustworthy. 2. up against, confronted with; faced with. 3. up and around or about, recovered from an illness; able to leave one's bed. 4. up and doing, busily engaged in activities. 5. up for grabs, Informal. freely available to whoever can acquire it first. 6. up to, a. as far as: I am up to the eighth lesson. b. in fulfillment of: I couldn't live up to their expectations. c. as many as; to the limit of: up to five persons. d. capable of; equal to: Is he up to the job? e. incumbent upon: It's up to you to tell her. f. engaged in; doing: What have you been up to lately? [before 900; Middle English up(pe) (adv.), Old English up(p) to a higher position, c. Old Frisian up, Old Norse upp; akin to Old High German ūf, Gothic iup]


a combining form of up: upland; upshot; upheaval. [Middle English; Old English]