Scusset Beach State Reservation

Scusset Beach State Reservation

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Massachusetts
Location:In southeastern Massachusetts, on Cape Cod Bay at the east end of the Cape Cod Canal.
Facilities:98 campsites (mostly trailer sites; some @di), showers, restrooms(é), picnic area, beaches, fishing pier, hiking trails (é), walking trails, historic site,interpretive center.
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, bicycling, hiking, hunting (with restrictions), interpretive programs.
Special Features:This popular swimming and camping area includes 1.5 miles of frontage along Cape Cod Canal, with views of thevariety of boats and ships that pass through the canal.
Address:140 Scusset Beach Rd
Sagamore Beach, MA 02562

Size: 380 acres.

See other parks in Massachusetts.