Quartz Lake State Recreation Area

Quartz Lake State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Alaska
Location:10 miles north of Delta Junction; access via a 3-mile road at milepost 277.8 on Richardson Highway.
Facilities:115 campsites, 2 cabins, 4 ice fishing huts, picnic areas, picnicshelters, toilets (é), drinking water, 2 boat launches, fishing docks(é), boat rentals, swimming area, beach volleyball court, trails.
Activities:Camping, swimming, water-skiing, fishing, ice fishing, hiking, wildlife viewing, snowmobiling, dog mushing, skijoring.
Special Features:Fishing is the main attraction of the Quartz Lake Recreation Area.Quartz Lake, which has some of the best road accessible fishing inInterior Alaska, is stocked annually with more than 300,000 fingerlingrainbow trout, as well as coho salmon. Lost Lake, which is also part ofthe recreation area, is also well-stocked and has some good fishing,especially canoe or dock fishing.
Address:c/o Northern Area Office
3700 Airport Way
Fairbanks, AK 99709

Web: www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/units/deltajct/quartz.htm
Size: 556 acres.

See other parks in Alaska.