Spielmeyer acute swelling

Spiel·mey·er a·cute swell·ing

(shpēl'mī-ĕr), a form of degeneration of nerve cells in which the cell body and its processes swell and stain palely and diffusely.

Spiel·mey·er a·cute swel·ling

(shpēl'mī-ĕr ă-kyūt' swel'ing) A form of degeneration of nerve cells in which the cell body and its processes swell and stain palely and diffusely.


Walter, German neurologist, 1879-1935. Spielmeyer acute swelling - a form of degeneration of nerve cells in which the cell body and its processes swell and stain palely and diffusely.Spielmeyer-Stock disease - Synonym(s): Batten diseaseSpielmeyer-Vogt disease - Synonym(s): Batten diseaseVogt-Spielmeyer disease - Synonym(s): Batten disease