Vladimir Pervitskii

Pervitskii, Vladimir Iakovlevich


Born Dec. 18, 1928, in the khutor (farmstead) of Chaplygin, in present-day Kavkazskii Raion, Krasnodar Krai. Agricultural production innovator; leader of the mechanized agricultural crop cultivation section (1959) on the experimental farm of the Kuban’ Research Institute for Testing Tractors and Agricultural Machinery (in Novokubansk). Honored Machine Operator of the RSFSR (1962); Hero of Socialist Labor (1961). Member of the CPSU since 1962.

From 1953 to 1959, Pervitskii was a combine operator on the experimental farm of the Kuban’ Machine-testing Station (now the Kuban’ Order of Lenin Research Institute for Testing Tractors and Agricultural Machinery). The use of manual labor in the cultivation of agricultural crops was completely eliminated in Pervitskii’s section, and a progressive team form of labor organization and a piecework system of payment for machine operators were developed and implemented. The innovations of Pervitskii’s section have been widely implemented by kolkhozes and sovkhozes.

Pervitskii was a delegate to the Twenty-third Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and a deputy to the sixth convocation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He received the Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1970 and has been awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, two other orders, and medals.


Minuty i tsentnery. Krasnodar, 1961.
Vyrashchivaem kukuruzu bez zatrat ruchnogo truda. Rostov-on-Don, 1962.
Zolotoe dno (Zapiski mekhanizatora). Moscow, 1964.
Mekhanizirovannoe vozdelyvanie kukuruzy (na opyte zvena V. Ia. Pervitskogo). Moscow, 1965. (With others.)


Kompleksnaia mekhanizatsiia vozdelyvaniia i uborki kukuruzy (Opyt raboty mekhanizirovannogo zvena Geroia Sotsialisticheskogo Truda V. Ia. Pervitskogo). Moscow, 1964.
Vasil’chenko, A. A. Agrotekhnika mekhanizirovannogo vozdelyvaniia kukuruzy. Moscow, 1972.