Vladimir Pavlovich Bezobrazov
Bezobrazov, Vladimir Pavlovich
Born Jan. 3, 1828; died Aug. 29,1889. Russian economist who became an academician in 1867.
In his political views Bezobrazov was a liberal of the nobility. He taught finance, law, and political economy at the Aleksandrov Lycée in 1868–78. During the preparation of the reforms of the 1860’s, Bezobrazov was one of the organizers of the Political Economic Committee of the Russian Geographical Society. He served in the ministries of finance and of state properties. He opposed serfdom and advocated bourgeois reforms in the interests of the landholders. On theoretical questions he adhered to the standpoint of vulgar political economy. He was the author of works on concrete economic and economic geographic questions, and in his works he made use of the vast data on the situation of Russian trade and industry that he had gathered. He also wrote on credit and finance. In 1874–80 he published a journal entitled Sbornik gosudarstvennykh znanii.
Published in Moscow and St. Petersburg:Ocherki Nizhegorodskoi iarmarki. 1865.
Ural’skoe gornoe khoziaistvo i vopros o prodazhe kazennykh gornykh zavodov. 1869.
Narodnoe khoziaistvo Rossii: Moskovskaia (tsentral’naia) promyshlennaia oblast’, parts 1–5. 1882–1889.
O nekotorykh iavleniiakh denezhnogo obrashcheniia ν Rossii ν sviazi s promyshlennost’iu, torgovlei i kreditom. 1863.
Gosudarstvennye dokhody Rossii, ikh klassifikatsiia, nyneshnee sostoianie i dvizhenie: 1866–1872. 1872.