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vertebrocostal trigone lumbocostal triangle of diaphragm [TA] a triangular area in the diaphragm between its lumbar and costal parts and superior to the lateral arcuate ligament that is devoid of muscle fibers; covered by pleura superiorly and by peritoneum inferiorly; when it fails to form congenitally (a closure defect of the fetal pleuroperitoneal hiatus), the consequent foramen of Bochdalek is the most common site of diaphragmatic hernia of abdominal viscera. Synonym(s): trigonum lumbocostale diaphragmatis [TA], Bochdalek gap, vertebrocostal trigonever·te·bro·cos·tal tri·gone (vĕr'tĕ-brō-kos'tăl trī'gōn) A triangular area in the diaphragm near the lateral arcuate ligament that is devoid of muscle fibers; it is covered by pleura superiorly and by peritoneum inferiorly. Bochdalek, Vincent A., Czech anatomist, 1801-1883. Bochdalek duct - thyroglossal duct. Synonym(s): duct of His; duct of Vater; thyrolingual ductBochdalek foramen - a congenital defective opening through the diaphragm, connecting pleural and peritoneal cavities. Synonym(s): pleuroperitoneal hiatusBochdalek ganglion - a ganglion of the plexus of the dental nerve lying in the maxilla just above the root of the canine tooth.Bochdalek gap - a triangular area in the diaphragm devoid of muscle fibers. Synonym(s): vertebrocostal trigoneBochdalek hernia - absence of the pleuroperitoneal membrane (usually on the left) or an enlarged Morgagni foramen which allows protrusion of abdominal viscera into the chest. Synonym(s): congenital diaphragmatic herniaBochdalek muscle - an occasional thin band of muscular fibers passing between the root of the tongue and the triticeal cartilage. Synonym(s): musculus triticeoglossusBochdalek valve - a fold of mucous membrane in the lacrimal canaliculus at the lacrimal punctum. Synonym(s): Foltz valvuleflower basket of Bochdalek - part of the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle protruding through Luschka foramen and resting on the dorsal surface of the glossopharyngeal nerve. |