

 [ver″tĕ-bro-kon´dral] pertaining to a vertebra and a costal cartilage.


(ver'tĕ-brō-kon'drăl), Denoting the three false ribs (eighth, ninth, and tenth), which are connected with the vertebrae at one extremity and the costal cartilages at the other, these cartilages not articulating directly with the sternum. Synonym(s): vertebrocostal (2) [vertebro- + G. chondros, cartilage]


(vĕr'tĕ-brō-kon'drăl) Denoting the three false ribs (eighth, ninth, and tenth), which are connected with the vertebrae at one extremity and the costal cartilages at the other; those cartilages not articulating directly with the sternum.
Synonym(s): vertebrocostal (2) .
[vertebro- + G. chondros, cartilage]