Makoshika State Park
Makoshika State Park
Location:Follow signs through town on Snyder Avenue in Glendive.
Facilities:22 campsites (8 tent, 14 trailer, 1 @di), group camp, picnic areas andshelters (é), hiking and interpretive trails, archery range, riflerange, visitor center, amphitheater.
Activities:Camping, hiking, bicycling, wildlife viewing, recreational shooting, archery, interpretive programs.
Special Features:To the Sioux, Ma-ko-shi-ka meant "bad earth" or "bad land," descriptiveof the weird rock formations and stunted trees that characterize thearea. These formations house the fossil remains of 10 species ofdinosaurs, including tyrannosaurus and triceratops. The park's visitorcenter has exhibits explaining the site's geologic, fossil,and prehistoric features.
Address:PO Box 1242
Glendive, MT 59330
Size: 27,166 acres. Elevation: 2,415 feet.
See other parks in Montana.