negative end-expiratory pressure

neg·a·tive end-ex·pi·ra·to·ry pres·sure (NEEP),

a subatmospheric pressure at the airway at the end of expiration.

negative end-expiratory pressure

A format for mechanical ventilation in which negative (sub-atmostpheric) pressure, i.e., suction, is applied during ventilation. Recent data suggest that it may be useful during CPR, and circulation may be significantly augmented by generation of a negative end-expiratory pressure (NEEP) between each breath.
NEEP raises the pressure gradient between the patient’s airway and the atmosphere (thereby increasing the expiratory flow rate), lowers the mean intrathoracic pressure over the regulatory cycle, and enhances the venous return and cardiac output.
NEEP predisposes to airway collapse, air trapping and alveolar rupture, which is not good for patients with decreased elastic recoil.

negative end-expiratory pressure

Respiratory care A format for mechanical ventilation in which negative pressure–ie, suction is applied during ventilation. Cf PEEP.

neg·a·tive end-ex·pi·ra·to·ry pres·sure

(NEEP) (neg'ă-tiv end-eks-pī'ră-tōr-ē presh'ŭr) A subatmospheric pressure at the airway at the end of expiration.