negative convergence

neg·a·tive con·ver·gence

the slight divergence of the visual axes when convergence is at rest, as when observing the far point or during sleep.

neg·a·tive con·ver·gence

(neg'ă-tiv kŏn-vĕr'jĕns) The slight divergence of the visual axes when convergence is at rest, as when observing the far point or during sleep.


1. Movement of the eyes turning away from each other. 2. Characteristic of a pencil of light rays, as when emanating from a point source. Syn. negative convergence. See vergence.
divergence excess A high exophoria at distance associated with a much lower exophoria at near. It may occasionally give rise to diplopia in distance vision.
fusional divergence A movement of the eyes away from each other in response to retinal disparity, in order to restore single binocular vision. It occurs most commonly when induced by a base-in prism.
divergence insufficiency A high esophoria at distance associated with esophoria at near. It often gives rise to symptoms of asthenopia in both distance and near vision.
divergence paralysis See divergence paralysis.
vertical divergence Relative vertical movement between the two eyes.