

单词 mdm
释义 DictionarySeedaw



(1) See mobile device management.

(2) See master data management.

(3) (Modular Digital Multitrack) An audio recorder that mixes and records multiple tracks of digital audio. The two major MDM technologies are ADAT and DTRS. See ADAT and DTRS.


mal de Meleda

An autosomal recessive condition (OMIM:248300) causing symmetric palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and acanthosis, with circumscribed hyperkeratosis of wrists, knees, forearms, ankles, brachydactyly, koilonychia, growth and mental retardation, seen in the endogamous population of the island of Meleda off the coast of Dalmatia in former Yugoslavia.
Molecular pathology
Mal de Meleda is caused by a mutation of SLURP1 on chromosome 8q24.3.

Mal de Meleda

An autosomal recessive condition (OMIM:248300) causing symmetric palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and acanthosis, with circumscribed hyperkeratosis of wrists, knees, forearms, ankles, brachydactyly, koilonychia, growth and mental retardation, seen in the endogamous population of the island of Meleda off the coast of Dalmatia in former Yugoslavia.
Molecular pathology
Mal de Meleda is caused by a mutation of SLURP1 on chromosome 8q24.3.


1. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. See Ecstasy.2. Mid-diastolic murmur. See Murmur.


MDMMaster Data Management (SAP software)
MDMMobile Data Management (Systems, Services and Middleware)
MDMMasters of Digital Media (degree program)
MDMMovimento Democrático de Moçambique (Portuguese: Mozambique Democratic Movement)
MDMMobile Device Management
MDMMédecins Du Monde (French)
MDMMeta Data Manager
MDMInternational Conference on Mobile Data Management
MDMMeter Data Management
MDMMedical Decision Making (journal)
MDMMachine Debug Manager (Visual BASIC)
MDMMass Democratic Movement (South Africa)
MDMMedical Device Manufacturer
MDMMaster Data Management
MDMMobile Data Management
MDMMachine Debug Manager
MDMMultiplexer Demultiplexer
MDMMedia Device Manager
MDMModular Digital Multitrack Recorder
MDMMultimedia Data Mining
MDMMultidimensional Data Modeling
MDMMicrofine Droplet Modulation
MDMMultiservice Data Manager
MDMMedicos del Mundo (Argentina)
MDMMonocyte Derived Macrophages
MDMMoi Dix Mois (band)
MDMMid-Day Meal (India)
MDMMelodic Death Metal (music genre)
MDMModern Digital Militia (band)
MDMMix Design Methods (Langhorne, PA)
MDMMarket Development Manager
MDMModern Drunkard Magazine (est. 1996)
MDMModern Day Marine (Quantico Marine military exhibition)
MDMMechanically Deboned Meat
MDMMedical Design & Manufacturing
MDMMillion Dollar Man (Ted Dibiase)
MDMM-Dynamic Mode (BMW)
MDMMovement for Department Status Mayotte (Mayotte)
MDMMouse Double Minute
MDMMultidisciplinary Meeting (medical records)
MDMModular Digital Multitracks
MDMMailgram (US Navy)
MDMManufacturing Data Management
MDMMal de Meleda
MDMMovement for a Democratic Military (Vietnam era protest organization)
MDMHuman Monocyte-Derived Macrophage
MDMMultiple Distant Microphones
MDMMobile Depot Maintenance
MDMMaintenance Duty Manager (various locations)
MDMMontessori de Manila (pre-school)
MDMMode Division Multiplexing
MDMMulti-Drive Missile (Honor Harrington science fiction novels)
MDMMultipurpose Demilitarization Machine
MDMMultiattribute Decision-Making
MDMManpower Determination Model
MDMMedium-Depth Mine
MDMMicro-Doppler Modulation
MDMMultiple Differentiated Meter (DiffServ strategy)
MDMModified Diffusion Method
MDMMarketing Decision Meeting
MDMModel Deployment Module
MDMMonitor Drive Module
MDMMobility Diagnostic Module
MDMMulti-Static Data Matrix
MDMMedicos du Munde (Portugal)




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