Makhmud Dulat-Ali

Dulat-Ali, Makhmud Abdulvakhitovich


(until 1918, Makhmud Abdulvakhitovich Aleev). Born Apr. 17, 1889, in Kazan; died July 1920, in Baimak. Member of the revolutionary movement in Tataria; member of the Communist Party from 1907.

Dulat-Ali was educated in a madrasah in Kazan. From 1907 to 1912 he was a contributor to the newspaper El’islakh (The Reform) and other periodicals and a worker in Staraia Bukhara. While serving as a soldier on the Northern Front from 1915 to 1917, he engaged in revolutionary work among the soldiers and was chairman of a socialist committee. In 1917, Dulat-Ali was a member of the Muslim military committee of the Fifth Army and of the front committee of the Northern Front, editor of the Tatar-Language soldiers’ newspaper Sugysh safy (The Front), and also a member of the Central Muslim Committee in the People’s Commissariat of Nationalities in Petrograd and Moscow. He was elected a member of the Muslim socialist committee in Kazan in early 1918 and attended the First All-Russian Congress of Muslim Communists in Moscow in November 1918. He was elected a candidate member of the Central Bureau for Muslim Party Organizations of the Central Committee of the RCP (Bolshevik). Dulat-Ali was chairman of the Muslim Bureau of the Kazan Province Committee of the RCP(B) and a member of the presidium of the Kazan Province Soviet from 1918 to 1919. He began working in Sterlitamak in June 1919. While on a mission in Baimak, he was seized and shot during an anarchist counterrevolutionary revolt.


Nasyrov, T. M. Bessmertnye imena: Khasan Urmanov. Kazan, 1967, Pages 18-19.