

单词 logic programming

logic programming

logic programming

n (Computer Science) the study or implementation of computer programs capable of discovering or checking proofs of formal expressions or segments
Noun1.logic programming - a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processinglogic programing, Prologprograming language, programming language - (computer science) a language designed for programming computers
2.logic programming - creating a program that enables the computer to reason logicallylogic programingcomputer programing, computer programming, programing, programming - creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something

logic programming

logic programming

(artificial intelligence, programming, language)Adeclarative, relational style of programming based onfirst-order logic. The original logic programming languagewas Prolog. The concept is based on Horn clauses.

The programmer writes a "database" of "facts", e.g.


("water is wet") and "rules", e.g.

mortal(X) :- human(X).

("X is mortal is implied by X is human"). Facts and rules arecollectively known as "clauses".

The user supplies a "goal" which the system attempts toprove using "resolution" or "backward chaining". Thisinvolves matching the current goal against each fact or theleft hand side of each rule using "unification". If thegoal matches a fact, the goal succeeds; if it matches a rulethen the process recurses, taking each sub-goal on the righthand side of the rule as the current goal. If all sub-goalssucceed then the rule succeeds.

Each time a possible clause is chosen, a "choice point" iscreated on a stack. If subsequent resolution fails thencontrol eventually returns to the choice point and subsequentclauses are tried. This is known as "backtracking".

Clauses may contain logic variables which take on any valuenecessary to make the fact or the left hand side of the rulematch a goal. Unification binds these variables to thecorresponding subterms of the goal. Such bindings areassociated with the choice point at which the clause waschosen and are undone when backtracking reaches that choicepoint.

The user is informed of the success or failure of his firstgoal and if it succeeds and contains variables he is told whatvalues of those variables caused it to succeed. He can thenask for alternative solutions.

logic programming

  • noun

Synonyms for logic programming

noun a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing


  • logic programing
  • Prolog

Related Words

  • programing language
  • programming language

noun creating a program that enables the computer to reason logically


  • logic programing

Related Words

  • computer programing
  • computer programming
  • programing
  • programming




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