MDEMaryland Department of the Environment
MDEMississippi Department of Education
MDEMichigan Department of Education
MDEMir Doch Egal (German gaming)
MDEMemorando De Entendimiento (Spanish: Memorandum of Understanding)
MDEMinnesota Department of Education
MDEMicrosoft Document Explorer (software)
MDEMaschinendatenerfassung (German: Machine Data Collection)
MDEMinnesota Democrats Exposed (political website)
MDEModel-Driven Engineering
MDEModular Design Environment
MDEManual Data Entry
MDEMeta Data Explorer
MDEModular Display Electronics
MDEMultiple Document Environment
MDEModel Driven Engineering
MDEMitsubishi Design Europe
MDEMultiple Design Environment
MDEMajor Depressive Episode
MDEMaster of Distance Education
MDE3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-Ethylamphetamine (empathogenic/psychedelic drug closely related to MDMA)
MDEMaîtrise de la Demande d'Energie (French: Control of Energy Demand)
MDEMajor Defense Equipment
MDEMotor Drive End (electric motors)
MDEMicrosoft Data Engine
MDEMobile Daten-Erfassung (German)
MDEMultiple Data Entry
MDEMechanical Design Engineer
MDEMobile Data Entry
MDEMicrosoft Development Environment
MDEMarket Development Engineering
MDEMinisterio de Defensa de España (Ministry of Defense)
MDEMaryland Dance Energy
MDEMaryland Dance Ensemble (University of Maryland)
MDEMedellin, Colombia - La Playas (Airport Code)
MDEMan Day Equivalent (labor)
MDEMinimum Distance Estimator
MDEAeropuerto Olaya Herrera (Medellin)
MDEManufacturing Development Engineering
MDEManaged Desktop Environment (HP)
MDEMain Diesel Engine (naval engineering)
MDEMotor Drive Electronics
MDEMucinous Ductal Ectasia
MDEM Data Extractor (middleware)
MDEMechanism Drive Electronics
MDEMissile Defense Element (Army)
MDEMutual Deterrence Equilibria
MDEMechanical Drive Electronics
MDEMolecular Design of Explosives
MDEModified Dirac Equation
MDEMacBean Design-East (design consultancy)
MDEMain Propulsion Diesel Engine
MDEMachine Design Engineering (various locations)