

(on'ō-mat'ō-poy-ē'sis), The making of a name or word, especially to express or imitate a natural sound (for example, hiss, crash, boom); in psychiatry, the tendency to make new words of this type is said to characterize some people with schizophrenia.
See also: neologism.
[G. onoma, name, + poiēsis, making]


, onomatopoeia (on″ŏ-mat″ŏ-poy-ē′sĭs) (on″ŏ-mat″ŏ-pē′ă) [Gr. onoma, name + -poiesis, ] 1. The formation of words that imitate the sounds with which they are associated, e.g., hiss, buzz. 2. In psychiatry, imitative words and sounds created by patients with schizophrenia. onomatopoeiconomatopoietic (on″ŏ-mat″ŏ-pē′ik) (on″ŏ-mat″ŏ-pō-et′ik), adjective