

单词 opening



O0090500 (ō′pə-nĭng)n.1. The act or an instance of becoming open or being made to open: the opening of the tomb.2. a. A gap, breach, or aperture: slipped through an opening in the hedge.b. A clearing in the woods.3. a. The first part or stage, as of a book.b. The first performance: the opening of a play.c. A formal commencement of operation: attended the opening of the new museum.d. A specific pattern or series of beginning moves in certain games, especially chess.4. a. An opportunity affording a chance of success. See Synonyms at opportunity.b. An unfilled job or position; a vacancy.


(ˈəʊpənɪŋ) n1. the act of making or becoming open2. a vacant or unobstructed space, esp one that will serve as a passageway; gap3. (Forestry) chiefly US a tract in a forest in which trees are scattered or absent4. the first part or stage of something5. (Theatre) a. the first performance of something, esp a theatrical productionb. (as modifier): the opening night. 6. (Chess & Draughts) a specific or formal sequence of moves at the start of any of certain games, esp chess or draughts7. an opportunity or chance, esp for employment or promotion in a business concern8. (Law) law the preliminary statement made by counsel to the court or jury before adducing evidence in support of his or her case


(ˈoʊ pə nɪŋ)

n. 1. an act or instance of making or becoming open. 2. an unobstructed or unoccupied space or place. 3. a hole or void in solid matter. 4. the act of beginning; start. 5. the first part or initial stage of anything. 6. an employment vacancy. 7. an opportunity; chance. 8. a. the formal or official beginning of an activity, event, presentation, etc. b. a celebration marking this. 9. the statement of the case made by legal counsel to the court or jury before presenting evidence. 10. a mode of beginning a game. [1125–75]
Noun1.opening - an open or empty space in or between things; "there was a small opening between the trees"; "the explosion made a gap in the wall"gappocket - an opening at the corner or on the side of a billiard table into which billiard balls are struckdiastema - a gap or vacant space between two teethnodes of Ranvier, Ranvier's nodes - small gaps in the myelin sheath of medullated axonsforamen, hiatus - a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structurebreach - an opening (especially a gap in a dike or fortification)chasm - a deep opening in the earth's surfacecrack, scissure, cleft, crevice, fissure - a long narrow openinghole - an opening into or through somethingmouth - an opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge); "he rode into the mouth of the canyon"; "they built a fire at the mouth of the cave"rift - a gap between cloud masses; "the sun shone through a rift in the clouds"rent, rip, tear, snag, split - an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart; "there was a rip in his pants"; "she had snags in her stockings"Earth's surface, surface - the outermost level of the land or sea; "earthquakes originate far below the surface"; "three quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by water"window - an opening that resembles a window in appearance or function; "he could see them through a window in the trees"space - an empty area (usually bounded in some way between things); "the architect left space in front of the building"; "they stopped at an open space in the jungle"; "the space between his teeth"
2.opening - a ceremony accompanying the start of some enterpriseceremonial, ceremonial occasion, ceremony, observance - a formal event performed on a special occasion; "a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor"
3.opening - becoming open or being made open; "the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for"change of integrity - the act of changing the unity or wholeness of somethingcutting, cut - the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge; "his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels"
4.opening - the first performance (as of a theatrical production)opening - the first performance (as of a theatrical production); "the opening received good critical reviews"curtain raising, opening nightstart - the beginning of anything; "it was off to a good start"
5.opening - the act of opening something; "the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door"movement, motility, motion, move - a change of position that does not entail a change of location; "the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise"; "movement is a sign of life"; "an impatient move of his hand"; "gastrointestinal motility"closing, shutting - the act of closing something
6.opening - opportunity especially for employment or promotion; "there is an opening in the sales department"chance, opportunity - a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances; "the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington"; "now is your chance"
7.opening - the initial part of the introduction; "the opening established the basic theme"introduction - the first section of a communicationteaser - an attention-getting opening presented at the start of a television showsalutation - word of greeting used to begin a letter
8.opening - a possible alternative; "bankruptcy is always a possibility"possible action, possibilityalternative, option, choice - one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen; "what option did I have?"; "there no other alternative"; "my only choice is to refuse"possible - something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible"
9.opening - an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavityopening - an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity; "the orifice into the aorta from the lower left chamber of the heart"orifice, portavent - external opening of urinary or genital system of a lower vertebrateblastopore - the opening into the archenteronaortic orifice - the orifice from the lower left chamber of the heart to the aortastoma - a mouth or mouthlike opening (especially one created by surgery on the surface of the body to create an opening to an internal organ)passageway, passage - a path or channel or duct through or along which something may pass; "the nasal passages"porta hepatis - opening for major blood vessels to enter and leave the liverspiracle - a breathing orificemouth - the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening; "she wiped lipstick from her mouth"os - a mouth or mouthlike openingcervix uteri, uterine cervix, cervix - necklike opening to the uterusfenestra - a small opening covered with membrane (especially one in the bone between the middle and inner ear)cardia - the opening into the stomach and that part of the stomach connected to the esophagusintroitus - entrance or opening to a hollow organ or tube (especially the vaginal opening); "the introitus of the vagina"external orifice, urethral orifice - the orifice through which urine is dischargedpylorus - a small circular opening between the stomach and the duodenumanus - the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canalfontanel, fontanelle, soft spot - any membranous gap between the bones of the cranium in an infant or fetusnaris - any of the openings to the nasal cavities that allow air to flow through the cavities to the pharynxrima - a narrow elongated opening or fissure between two symmetrical parts
10.opening - a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made; "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"artefact, artifact - a man-made object taken as a wholeaperture - an man-made opening; usually smallbell - the flared opening of a tubular devicebreech, rear of barrel, rear of tube - opening in the rear of the barrel of a gun where bullets can be loadedexit, way out, outlet, issue - an opening that permits escape or release; "he blocked the way out"; "the canyon had only one issue"fly front, fly - an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of clothcrack, gap - a narrow opening; "he opened the window a crack"gun muzzle, muzzle - the open circular discharging end of a gunhole - an opening deliberately made in or through somethinginlet, intake - an opening through which fluid is admitted to a tube or containerinterstice - small opening between thingsfenestella, lunette - oval or circular opening; to allow light into a dome or vaultmouth - the opening of a jar or bottle; "the jar had a wide mouth"neck opening, neck - an opening in a garment for the neck of the wearer; a part of the garment near the wearer's neckpass-through - an opening that resembles a window between two rooms (especially a shelved opening between a kitchen and dining room that is used to pass dishes)embrasure, porthole, port - an opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing throughslit - a long narrow openingspout - an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grainthroat - an opening in the vamp of a shoe at the instepgrille, lattice, wicket - small opening (like a window in a door) through which business can be transactedwindow - a transparent opening in a vehicle that allow vision out of the sides or back; usually is capable of being openedwindow - an opening in a wall or screen that admits light and air and through which customers can be served; "he stuck his head in the window"
11.opening - an entrance equipped with a hatchopening - an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a shiphatchway, scuttleentrance, entranceway, entryway, entree, entry - something that provides access (to get in or get out); "they waited at the entrance to the garden"; "beggars waited just outside the entryway to the cathedral"escape hatch - hatchway that provides a means of escape in an emergencyhatch - a movable barrier covering a hatchway
12.opening - a recognized sequence of moves at the beginning of a game of chess; "he memorized all the important chess openings"chess openingchess game, chess - a board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to checkmate the opponent's kingsuccession, sequence - the action of following in order; "he played the trumps in sequence"
13.opening - the first of a series of actionsfirst step, opening move, initiativecommencement, start, beginning - the act of starting something; "he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations"curtain raiser - any preliminary activityfirst base - the initial stage in accomplishing something; "we didn't get to first base with that approach"peace initiative - opening move in negotiating a peace treaty
Adj.1.opening - first or beginning; "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth"; "the play's opening scene"closing - final or ending; "the closing stages of the election"; "the closing weeks of the year"; "the closing scene of the film"; "closing remarks"


adjective1. first, early, earliest, beginning, premier, primary, initial, maiden, inaugural, commencing, introductory, initiatory the season's opening gamenoun1. beginning, start, launch, launching, birth, dawn, outset, starting point, onset, overture, initiation, inauguration, inception, commencement, kickoff (informal), opening move the opening of peace talks
beginning ending, close, finish, conclusion, winding up (informal), completion, finale, termination, culmination, cessation
2. hole, break, space, tear, split, crack, gap, rent, breach, slot, outlet, vent, puncture, rupture, aperture, cleft, chink, fissure, orifice, perforation, interstice He squeezed through an opening in the fence.
hole seal, plug, closure, obstruction, stoppage, blockage, occlusion
3. opportunity, chance, break (informal), time, place, moment, window, occasion, look-in (informal) All she needed was an opening to show her capabilities.4. job, position, post, situation, opportunity, vacancy We don't have any openings just now, but we'll call you.


noun1. An open space allowing passage:aperture, hole, mouth, orifice, outlet, vent.2. The initial stage of a developmental process:beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, genesis, inception, nascence, nascency, onset, origin, outset, spring, start.3. The act or process of bringing or being brought into existence:beginning, commencement, inauguration, inception, incipience, incipiency, initiation, launch, leadoff, origination, start.Informal: kickoff.4. A favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances:break, chance, occasion, opportunity.Informal: shot.


(ˈəupən) adjective1. not shut, allowing entry or exit. an open box; The gate is wide open. 開著的 开着的2. allowing the inside to be seen. an open book. 敞開的 敝开的3. ready for business etc. The shop is open on Sunday afternoons; After the fog had cleared, the airport was soon open again; The gardens are open to the public. 營業著的 营业着的4. not kept secret. an open show of affection. 公開的 公开的5. frank. He was very open with me about his work. 坦率的 坦率的6. still being considered etc. Leave the matter open. 懸而未決的 悬而未决的7. empty, with no trees, buildings etc. I like to be out in the open country; an open space. 空曠的 空旷的 verb1. to make or become open. He opened the door; The door opened; The new shop opened last week. 打開 打开2. to begin. He opened the meeting with a speech of welcome. 開始 开始ˈopener noun something that opens (something). a tin-opener. 開瓶刀 开瓶刀ˈopening noun1. a hole; a clear or open space. an opening in the fence/forest. 洞,缺口 洞,缺口 2. a beginning. the opening of the film; (also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks. 開始,開端 开始,开端 3. the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open. the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre. 開張,打開(門),開幕,(花朵)綻開 开张(开业),打開(門),开幕,(花朵)绽开 4. an opportunity for work. There are good openings in the automobile industry. 職缺,機會 职位的空缺,缺额 ˈopenly adverb frankly. She talked very openly about it. 坦率地 坦率地ˈopen-air adjective outside. an open-air meeting. 野外 野外ˌopen-ˈminded adjective willing to consider new ideas. an open-minded approach to the problem. 虛心的 虚心的ˌopen-ˈplan adjective (of a building) built with few walls inside. an open-plan office. 沒有固定隔牆的(辦公樓) 没有固定隔墙的(办公楼) be an open secret to be known to many people although supposed to be a secret. It's an open secret that she's getting married next week. 已是公開的秘密 公开秘密bring (something) out into the open to make (something) public. This affair has been kept a secret for too long – it's time it was brought out into the open. 訴諸公眾 诉诸公众in the open outside; in the open air. It's very healthy for children to be able to play in the open. 在戶外 在户外in the open air not in a building. If it doesn't rain, we'll have the party in the open air. 在室外的 在室外的keep/have an open mind to have a willingness to listen to or accept new ideas, other people's suggestions etc (eg before making a decision). It doesn't seem to be a very good plan, but I think we should keep an open mind about it for the time being. 虛心聽取(或接受)別人的意見 虚心听取(或接受)别人的意见 open on to (of a door etc) to open towards. Our front door opens straight on to the street. 通往... 通往...the open sea any area of sea far from land. When they reached the open sea, they were faced with large waves. 公海 公海open to1. likely or willing to receive. open to charges of corruption; open to suggestions from any member of staff. 願意接受 愿意接受2. possible. There are only two courses of action open to us. 對...開放(可能的) 对...开放(可能的) open up1. to open (a shop etc). I open up the shop at nine o'clock every morning. 開業 开业2. to open (a box etc) completely. He opened up the parcel. 开,打开 3. to open the (main) door of a building etc. `Open up!' shouted the policeman. `We know you are in there!' 開門 开门with open arms in a very friendly way. They received their visitors with open arms. 熱誠地 热诚地


the opening of an envelope

Any event, celebration, or ceremony, no matter how trivial or unremarkable, that one attends purely for the sake of visibility. Often said in relation to celebrities or media personalities who make a point of attending anything that will give them more public exposure. In a bid to cultivate a media buzz around herself, the Internet sensation has been to the openings of films, book launches, and celebrity galas. With the way she carries on, she'd even go to the opening of an envelope!See also: envelope, of, opening

open the door for (someone or something)

1. Literally, to open a door for another person. Open the door for me, will you? I have my hands full right now. Now that I'm on crutches, I really appreciate it when people open the door for me.2. To create an opportunity for someone or something. Female professors like you really opened the door for future generations of women scholars. Recent advancements in technology really opened the door for my latest invention to gain widespread acceptance.See also: door, open

open fire

1. verb Literally, to fire or begin firing a gun (at someone). The troops opened fire as soon as they saw the militants exit the building.2. verb By extension, to begin attacking, criticizing, or interrogating someone. The reporters opened fire on the commissioner with a barrage of intense questions.3. noun A fire not contained by a fireplace or stove. There's nothing quite like roasting marshmallows over an open fire.See also: fire, open

open the eyes of (someone)

To cause someone to see, realize, or understand the truth about something. The local painter has been trying to use his art to open the eyes of his fellow citizens to the injustices suffered by the homeless in the town.See also: eye, of, open

open the way for (one)

To allow or make it possible for one to do something. This change in legislation will open the way for us to streamline our import services.See also: open, way

open (up) a can of worms

To initiate, instigate, or reveal a situation that is or is likely to become very complicated or problematic or that will have a negative outcome. I worry that trying to tweak the existing system could open up a can of worms that we're not anticipating. The candidate opened a can of worms when he made those inflammatory comments. Now the entire election has been dominated by the topic.See also: can, of, open, Worms

open (one's) mind (to something)

To become or cause one to become receptive to or prepared to consider something, such as a topic, idea, opinion, perspective, etc. Being in college really helped open my mind to the myriad of beliefs and ideals to which different people around the world adhere. I know you're hesitant about seeing a psychic about this, but try opening your mind a bit—you might be pleasantly surprised!See also: mind, open

open out on(to) something

To expand and lead to some larger area. The winding mountain road opened out on an overlook that provided a stunning view of the city below. Our back yard opens out onto an enormous forest.See also: open, out, something

open out

1. To expand, widen, or spread out. The small path in the underbrush finally began to open out so that we could walk comfortably next to each other. The box the game came in opens out into a full-sized poster.2. To expand, widen, or spread out something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "open" and "out." She opened out the map to show me where the cabin was located. Would you open the stroller out for me? It feels stuck.See also: open, out

open a conversation (with one)

To begin a speaking with one; to strike up a conversation with one. I just find it so hard to open a conversation with someone I don't know. They kept getting interrupted every time they tried opening a conversation.See also: conversation, open

open a few doors

To create an opportunity for employment or advancement in one's career. Not all of us have a rich father who can open a few doors at companies around the world—some of us had to work to get where we are. I'm hoping that finally finishing my bachelor's degree will open a few doors for me in my career.See also: door, few, open

open for business

1. Currently operational and accepting business from clients. We had a few setbacks with city regulators, but our new store is finally open for business!2. To create and launch a business to do business with others. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "open" and "for." My great-grandfather opened our first store for business 100 years ago today.See also: business, open

open into (something)

1. To lead into some larger place or thing. The narrow ravine opens into a huge, lush valley. The patio opens into a large courtyard shared by the various residents of the building.2. To lead into some larger or different topic or subject of conversation. The debate about tax reform opened into a discussion about what else could be done to curb the national deficit.See also: open

open on (something)

To begin with some specific thing. The panel discussion opened on a debate about the proposed tax reform legislation. The film opens on a shot of the hero looking out over the valley at dusk.See also: on, open

open (oneself) (up) to criticism

1. To do something that leaves oneself vulnerable to criticism from others. Don't ever openly or directly admit that you've done something wrong while you're in a leadership position, or you'll just open yourself to criticism from all sides. The prime minister has really been opening herself up to criticism with the way she's been backpedaling on her positions recently.2. To allow others to give one criticism. You'll never improve as a writer if you don't open yourself up to criticism more.See also: criticism, open

open some doors

To create an opportunity for employment or advancement in one's career. Not all of us have a rich father who can open some doors at companies around the world—some of us had to work to get where we are. I'm hoping that finally finishing my bachelor's degree will open some doors for me in my career.See also: door, open

opening gambit

One's initial or opening stratagem, maneuver, or tactic meant to give one an advantage. It was a risky opening gambit for the team throwing a hail mary on the first play of the game, but it took their opponents by surprise. The candidate's opening gambit in the debate was to bring up his opponent's marital infidelities, which had come to light in recent weeks.See also: opening

open a few doors

(for someone) Go to open some doors (for someone).See also: door, few, open

open fire

(on someone) Fig. to start (doing something, such as asking questions or criticizing). (Based on open fire on someone or something.) The reporters opened fire on the mayor. When the reporters opened fire, the mayor was smiling, but not for long.See also: fire, open

open fire (on someone or something)

to begin shooting at someone or something. The troops opened fire on the enemy. The trainees opened fire on the target.See also: fire, open

open for business

[of a shop, store, restaurant, etc.] operating and ready to do business. The store is now open for business and invites you to come in. The construction will be finished in March, and we will be open for business in April.See also: business, open

open some doors (for someone)

 and open a few doors (for someone)Fig. to gain access to opportunity or influence (for someone). Morris was able to open a few doors for Mary and get her an interview with thepres-ident.See also: door, open

open something out

to unfold or expand something; to open and spread something out. When she opened the fan out, she saw it was made of plastic. The peacock opened out its tail feathers and delighted the children.See also: open, out

opening gambit

Fig. an opening movement, tactic, or statement which is made to secure a position that is to one's advantage. The rebel army's opening gambit was to bomb the city's business district. The prosecution's opening gambit was to call a witness who linked the defendant to the scene of the crime.See also: opening

open fire

Begin a verbal attack, as in In her second letter to the editor she opened fire, saying the reporter had deliberately misquoted her . This idiom alludes to discharging a firearm. [Mid-1800s] See also: fire, open

open ˈfire (on somebody/something)

start shooting (at somebody/something): The officer gave the order to open fire on the enemy. OPPOSITE: hold your fireSee also: fire, open

open out

v.1. To become wider: The river opens out as it heads toward the bay.2. To unfold or expand so that inner parts are displayed; spread out: The couch opened out into a bed.3. To unfold or expand something; spread something out: I opened the couch out into a bed. Let's open out the model to see how it works.4. open out on To be a passage or opening to some larger external space: After we remodel, the living room will open out on to the kitchen.See also: open, out

open fire

To begin firing a gun or guns.See also: fire, open

can of worms, it's a/like opening a

Introducing a complicated problem or unsolvable dilemma. The metaphor alludes to the live bait of fishermen. In a jar or other container, they form an inextricable tangle, wriggling and entwining themselves with one another. The term is American in origin, dating from the mid-twentieth century. See also: can, like, of, opening

opening gambit

The first move in a contest, game, or competition of some kind. The term comes from chess and is actually redundant, since in that game gambit signifies a way of opening the game that involves sacrificing a pawn or other piece in order to gain some advantage over one’s opponent. It was being used figuratively by the mid-1800s, and for some reason opening was added in later decades.See also: opening



1. Chiefly US a tract in a forest in which trees are scattered or absent 2. a. the first performance of something, esp a theatrical production b. (as modifier): the opening night 3. a specific or formal sequence of moves at the start of any of certain games, esp chess or draughts 4. Law the preliminary statement made by counsel to the court or jury before adducing evidence in support of his case



the removal of foreign matter and defective fibers from cotton and the loosening of the cotton stock; when the process is applied to flax, wool, or other fibers, it is called scutching. Opening is one of the primary production processes in spinning; scutching is one of the initial operations in processing bast fibers. Either is usually carried out after the initial loosening of the material, when the process of beating is most effective in cleaning the material and results in minimum damage to the fibers.

Opening consists of a blow delivered by the working elements of a machine on a layer of fibers held by the machine’s feed mechanisms; the beating action separates the fiber from the foreign matter. Only the largest and least sticky impurities are removed; individual fibers are separated and sticky impurities removed during subsequent carding operations.

Opening is carried out on cotton openers; scutchers are used for other fibers. The basic working members are a drum with cutting, splitting, or beating elements and the beaters. The drums may have smooth, prismatic elements, large pins, saw-toothed elements, or combinations of these types.

In a cotton opener, the loosened cotton stock is fed from the preceding machine to a feed hopper. A control device maintains a constant height of cotton in the hopper, which ensures an even flow of fiber emerging from the machine. The cotton is fed from the hopper by rollers and feed cylinders to a drum, in which blades turn at a speed of 500–600 rpm and strike the cotton layer. Shreds of cotton are torn off and thrown on a grid surrounding the drum, the cotton is additionally agitated, and the freed weed contaminants fall through the grid spaces into waste chambers. A fan sucks air from the mesh drums, creating an air flow that removes the cotton from the drum blades and the grid and carries it to the mesh drums. As the drums rotate, they form a layer of cotton from individual flakes; the layer is removed from the drum surface by cylinders and transported to feed cylinders, which deliver it to the beater. The beater rotates at 900–1,000 rpm and strikes the cotton layer with cleats; the cotton is loosened, and the separated weed contaminants drop through the grid into a waste chamber. A flow of air removes the cotton from the beater cleats and transports it to the next machine.

Scutchers for bast fibers are also equipped with beating drums. The primary working members in wool scutchers are drums with splitting elements. The intensity of processing is determined by the number of blows delivered per unit length or weight of the fiber layer.


Mekhanicheskaia tekhnologiia voloknistykh materialov. Moscow, 1969.



[′ōp·ə·niŋ] (geography) A break in a coastline or a passage between shoals, and so forth. (mining engineering) A widening of a crevice, in consequence of a softening or decomposition of the adjacent rock, so as to leave a vacant space. A short heading driven between two or more parallel headings or levels for ventilation. An area in a coal mine between pillars, or between pillars and ribs. (oceanography) Any break in sea ice which reveals the water.



 [o´pen-ing] a gap or open space; anatomic nomenclature for various types of openings includes aditus, aperture, foramen, fossa, hiatus, inlet, meatus, orifice, ostium, and outlet.aortic opening 1. the aperture in the diaphragm for passage of the descending aorta.2. aortic orifice.cardiac opening the opening from the esophagus into the stomach.pulmonary opening (opening of pulmonary trunk) pulmonary orifice.pyloric opening the opening between the stomach and duodenum.


(ō'pen-ing), [TA] A gap in or entrance to an organ, tube, or cavity.
See also: aperture, fossa, ostium, orifice, pore.


(ō'pĕn-ing) [TA] A gap in or entrance to an organ, tube, or cavity.
See also: aperture, fossa, ostium, orifice, pore

Patient discussion about opening

Q. How open are you about telling people that you are bipolar? I am studying in a coed college and am high scoring and talented. Actually I am a guitarist who entertains most of my peers. So I have lots of friends. For the past 8 months I could not use my guitar because of my busy study schedule. Without music I feel very depressed. My attitude has changed. My friends started deserting me because of my depression. So I started hating life and checked with a psychiatrist who diagnosed as bipolar. I fear whether I will lose my friends. So this question is to bipolar people: How open are you about telling people that you are bipolar? A. P.S..we all have problems,god made us all different,acept who you are,and you will be alright.

Q. what are the do and don't do of Allergic people when they go out side to the open land? A. if seasonal allergy is what you mean -there are certain times a year that you know you get sick. try avoiding long walks in fields of blooming flowers at those times...take antihistamine with you all the time, and don't forget some tissue paper :)

Q. what is the best thing to do to eliminate or to let it be remove without surgery?I'm afraid but laser mayb ok If I can go for laser where can you suggest coz I'm jobless and can't afford to pay.Or is there some remedy that i can take to melt those stones inside my bladder then they can come out through my waste ?A. Bladder stones, also called bladder calculi, often form when concentrated urine sits in your bladder. Bladder stones usually need to be removed. If the stone is small, your doctor may recommend that you drink an increased amount of water each day to help the stone pass. If the stone is large or doesn't pass on its own, your doctor may need to remove the stone. Bladder stones are usually removed during a procedure called a cystolitholapaxy. This is done by inserting a small tube with a camera at the end (cystoscope) through your urethra and into your bladder to view the stone. Your doctor uses a laser, ultrasound or mechanical device to break the stone into small pieces and then flushes the pieces from your bladder.
I am not familiar with the cost of such procedure.

More discussions about opening


TO OPEN, OPENING. To open a case is to make a statement of the pleadings in a case, which is called the opening.
2. The opening should be concise, very distinct and perspicuous. Its use is to enable the judge and jury to direct their attention to the real merits of the case, and the points in issue. 1 Stark. R. 439;S. C. 2 E. C. L. R. 462; 2 Stark. R. 31; S. C 3 Eng. C. L. R. 230.
3. The opening address or speech is that made immediately after the evidence has been closed; such address usually states, 1st. The full extent of the plaintiff's claims, and the circumstances under which they are made, to show that they are just and reasonable. 2d. At least an outline of the evidence by which those claims are to be established. 3d. The legal grounds and authorities in favor of the claim or of the proposed evidence. 4th. An anticipation of the expected defence, and statement of the grounds on which it is futile, "either in law or justice, and the reasons why it ought to fail. 3 Chit. Pr. 881; 3 Bouv. Inst. n. 3044, et seq. To open a judgment, is to set it aside.



The period at the beginning of the trading session officially designated by an exchange, during which all transactions are considered made "at the opening." Related: Close.


1. The beginning of a trading session on an exchange.

2. The first price of a security at the beginning of a trading day. In this sense, the opening is also called the opening price.


1. The beginning of a trading session.2. The initial price at which a security trades for the day. Also called opening price.


The first transaction in each security or commodity when trading begins for the day occurs at what's known as its opening, or opening price.

Sometimes the opening price on one day is the same as the closing price the night before. But that's not always the case, especially with stocks or contracts that are traded in after-hours markets or when other factors affect the markets when the stock or commodity is not trading.

The opening also refers to the time that the market opens for trading or the time a particular instrument begins trading. For example, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) opens at 9:30 ET. The first transaction in a single security may be at that time or at a later time.


  • all
  • adj
  • noun

Synonyms for opening

adj first


  • first
  • early
  • earliest
  • beginning
  • premier
  • primary
  • initial
  • maiden
  • inaugural
  • commencing
  • introductory
  • initiatory

noun beginning


  • beginning
  • start
  • launch
  • launching
  • birth
  • dawn
  • outset
  • starting point
  • onset
  • overture
  • initiation
  • inauguration
  • inception
  • commencement
  • kickoff
  • opening move


  • ending
  • close
  • finish
  • conclusion
  • winding up
  • completion
  • finale
  • termination
  • culmination
  • cessation

noun hole


  • hole
  • break
  • space
  • tear
  • split
  • crack
  • gap
  • rent
  • breach
  • slot
  • outlet
  • vent
  • puncture
  • rupture
  • aperture
  • cleft
  • chink
  • fissure
  • orifice
  • perforation
  • interstice


  • seal
  • plug
  • closure
  • obstruction
  • stoppage
  • blockage
  • occlusion

noun opportunity


  • opportunity
  • chance
  • break
  • time
  • place
  • moment
  • window
  • occasion
  • look-in

noun job


  • job
  • position
  • post
  • situation
  • opportunity
  • vacancy

Synonyms for opening

noun an open space allowing passage


  • aperture
  • hole
  • mouth
  • orifice
  • outlet
  • vent

noun the initial stage of a developmental process


  • beginning
  • birth
  • commencement
  • dawn
  • genesis
  • inception
  • nascence
  • nascency
  • onset
  • origin
  • outset
  • spring
  • start

noun the act or process of bringing or being brought into existence


  • beginning
  • commencement
  • inauguration
  • inception
  • incipience
  • incipiency
  • initiation
  • launch
  • leadoff
  • origination
  • start
  • kickoff

noun a favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances


  • break
  • chance
  • occasion
  • opportunity
  • shot

Synonyms for opening

noun an open or empty space in or between things


  • gap

Related Words

  • pocket
  • diastema
  • nodes of Ranvier
  • Ranvier's nodes
  • foramen
  • hiatus
  • breach
  • chasm
  • crack
  • scissure
  • cleft
  • crevice
  • fissure
  • hole
  • mouth
  • rift
  • rent
  • rip
  • tear
  • snag
  • split
  • Earth's surface
  • surface
  • window
  • space

noun a ceremony accompanying the start of some enterprise

Related Words

  • ceremonial
  • ceremonial occasion
  • ceremony
  • observance

noun becoming open or being made open

Related Words

  • change of integrity
  • cutting
  • cut

noun the first performance (as of a theatrical production)


  • curtain raising
  • opening night

Related Words

  • start

noun the act of opening something

Related Words

  • movement
  • motility
  • motion
  • move


  • closing
  • shutting

noun opportunity especially for employment or promotion

Related Words

  • chance
  • opportunity

noun the initial part of the introduction

Related Words

  • introduction
  • teaser
  • salutation

noun a possible alternative


  • possible action
  • possibility

Related Words

  • alternative
  • option
  • choice
  • possible

noun an aperture or hole that opens into a bodily cavity


  • orifice
  • porta

Related Words

  • vent
  • blastopore
  • aortic orifice
  • stoma
  • passageway
  • passage
  • porta hepatis
  • spiracle
  • mouth
  • os
  • cervix uteri
  • uterine cervix
  • cervix
  • fenestra
  • cardia
  • introitus
  • external orifice
  • urethral orifice
  • pylorus
  • anus
  • fontanel
  • fontanelle
  • soft spot
  • naris
  • rima

noun a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made

Related Words

  • artefact
  • artifact
  • aperture
  • bell
  • breech
  • rear of barrel
  • rear of tube
  • exit
  • way out
  • outlet
  • issue
  • fly front
  • fly
  • crack
  • gap
  • gun muzzle
  • muzzle
  • hole
  • inlet
  • intake
  • interstice
  • fenestella
  • lunette
  • mouth
  • neck opening
  • neck
  • pass-through
  • embrasure
  • porthole
  • port
  • slit
  • spout
  • throat
  • grille
  • lattice
  • wicket
  • window

noun an entrance equipped with a hatch


  • hatchway
  • scuttle

Related Words

  • entrance
  • entranceway
  • entryway
  • entree
  • entry
  • escape hatch
  • hatch

noun a recognized sequence of moves at the beginning of a game of chess


  • chess opening

Related Words

  • chess game
  • chess
  • succession
  • sequence

noun the first of a series of actions


  • first step
  • opening move
  • initiative

Related Words

  • commencement
  • start
  • beginning
  • curtain raiser
  • first base
  • peace initiative

adj first or beginning


  • closing




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