Acronym | Definition |
MRMS➣Muller Road Middle School (South Carolina) |
MRMS➣Middle River Middle School (Maryland) |
MRMS➣Mountain Ridge Middle School (Colorado) |
MRMS➣Maintenance Resource Management System (Navy) |
MRMS➣Marine Risk Management System (Suncor Energy) |
MRMS➣Mobile Remote Manipulator System |
MRMS➣Mississippi Residential Mortgage Specialist |
MRMS➣Millimeter-Wave Reflectivity Measurement System |
MRMS➣Mission Ready Management Solutions (Rolls-Royce) |
MRMS➣Medium Range Missile System |
MRMS➣Marvin Ridge Middle School (Waxhaw, NC) |
MRMS➣Medical Records Management System |
MRMS➣Maintenance Reporting and Management System |
MRMS➣Magothy River Middle School (Arnold, MD) |
MRMS➣Marketing Resource Management System |
MRMS➣Maintenance/Reliability Management Solutions Inc (Boiling Springs, SC) |
MRMS➣Member of the Royal Medical Society (UK) |
MRMS➣Member of the Royal Microscopical Society |
MRMS➣MTF (Military Treatment Facilities) Refill Mail Service (US DoD TRICARE) |
MRMS➣Magnet Resonance Mass Spectrometry (physics) |