
manners maketh man

A good man has a strong sense of morality. This phrase is typically attributed to 14th-century bishop William of Wykeham. To hear that so many of our students intervened to stop this crime restores my faith in the youth of the world. Manners maketh man, you know.See also: maketh, man, manner

hope deferred makes the heart sick

Waiting for something that one wants can cause distress. The full Biblical phrase is "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." A: "Rachel has been so anxious ever since the other kids in her class started hearing back from the colleges they applied to." B: "I'm not surprised—hope deferred makes the heart sick."See also: heart, hope, make, sick

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,

 and Hope deferred maketh the heart sick.Prov. If you have to wait a long time for something you want, you will become despairing. (Biblical.) Charlie waited so long for the woman he loved that he decided he didn't want to love anybody. Hope deferred makes the heart sick.See also: heart, hope, make, sick