

单词 not



expressing negation, denial, or prohibition: I will not answer your question.
Not to be confused with:knot – cord, rope, ribbon, or the like that is tied or folded upon itself; a tangle in hair; a difficulty: a knotty problem


K0092800 (nŏt)n. A logical operator that returns a false value if the operand is true and a true value if the operand is false.


K0092800 (nŏt)adv. In no way; to no degree. Used to express negation, denial, refusal, or prohibition: I will not go. You may not have any.
[Middle English, alteration of naught, nought; see naught.]Usage Note: The positioning of not and other negatives in a sentence is important to avoid ambiguity. The sentence All classes are not open to enrollment could be taken to mean either "All classes are closed to enrollment" or "Not all classes are open to enrollment." Similarly, the sentence Kim didn't sleep until noon could mean either "Kim went to sleep at noon" or "Kim got up before noon." · Not only and but also are usually classified as correlative conjunctions. They add emphasis to each part of the construction and suggest that the second part is particularly unexpected or surprising. As with both ... and and other correlatives, parallelism requires that each conjunction be followed by a construction of the same grammatical type. Thus, She not only bought a new car but also a new lawnmower displays faulty parallelism, where She bought not only a new car but also a new lawnmower does not, because both not only and but also are followed by noun phrases. See Usage Note at only.


(nɒt) adv1. a. used to negate the sentence, phrase, or word that it modifies: I will not stand for it. b. (in combination): they cannot go. 2. not that (conjunction) which is not to say or suppose that: I expect to lose the game — not that I mind. Also (archaic): not but what sentence substituteused to indicate denial, negation, or refusal: certainly not. [C14 not, variant of nought nothing, from Old English nāwiht, from no + wiht creature, thing. See naught, nought]



adv. 1. (used to express negation, denial, refusal, prohibition, etc.): It's not far from here. Are they coming or not? You must not think about it. 2. Slang. (used jocularly as a postpositive interjection to indicate that a previous statement is untrue): That's a cute dress. Not! [1275–1325; Middle English; weak variant of nought]


n. a Boolean operator that returns a positive result if its operand is negative and a negative result if its operand is positive.


Not is used with verbs to form negative sentences.

1. position of 'not'

You put not after the first auxiliary verb or modal, if there is one.

They are not seen as major problems.They might not even notice.Adrina realised that she had not been listening to him.

If there is no other auxiliary verb, you use do as the auxiliary verb. After not you use the base form of a verb.

The girl did not answer.He does not speak English very well.

In conversation, when not is used after be, have, do, or a modal, it is not usually pronounced in full. When you write down what someone says, you usually represent not as n't and add it to the verb in front of it. In some cases, the verb also changes its form.

You nearly always use an auxiliary verb when you want to make a negative form of a verb using not. Don't say, for example, 'I not liked it' or 'I liked not it'. You say 'I didn't like it'.

There are two exceptions to this. When you use not with be, don't use an auxiliary verb. You simply put not after be.

I'm not sure about this.The program was not a success.

When have is a main verb, not is sometimes added without an auxiliary verb, but only in the short forms hasn't, haven't, and hadn't.

You haven't any choice.The sky hadn't a cloud in it.

However, it is more common to use the forms doesn't have, don't have, and didn't have.

This question doesn't have a proper answer.We don't have any direct control of the prices.I didn't have a cheque book.

Be Careful!
When you use not to make what you are saying negative, you don't usually use another negative word such as 'nothing', 'never', or 'none'. Don't say, for example, 'I don't know nothing about it'. You say 'I don't know anything about it'.

2. 'not really'

You can make a negative statement more polite or less strong by using really after not.

It doesn't really matter.I don't really want to be part of it.

You can reply to some questions by saying 'Not really'.

3. 'not very'

When you make a negative statement using not and an adjective, you can make the statement less strong by putting very in front of the adjective.

I'm not very interested in the subject.That's not a very good arrangement.

Be Careful!
Although you can say that something is not very good, don't use 'not' in front of other words meaning 'very good'. Don't say, for example, that something is 'not excellent' or 'not marvellous'.

4. used with to-infinitives

You can use not with a to-infinitive. You put not in front of to, not after it.

The Prime Minister has asked us not to discuss the issue publicly any more.I decided not to go in.
5. 'not' in contrasts

You can use not to link two words or expressions. You do this to point out that something is the case, and to contrast it with what is not the case.

So they went by plane, not by car.He is now an adult, not a child.

You can make a similar contrast by changing the order of the words or expressions. When you do this, you put not in front of the first word or expression and but in front of the second one.

This story is not about the past, but about the future.He was caught, not by the police, but by a man who recognised him.
6. used with sentence adverbs

You can use not with surprisingly and unexpectedly to make a negative comment about a statement.

Laura, not surprisingly, disliked discussing the subject.The great man had died, not unexpectedly and very quietly, in the night.
7. 'not all'

Not is sometimes used with all and with words beginning with every- to form the subject of a sentence. For example, instead of saying 'Some snakes are not poisonous', you can say 'Not all snakes are poisonous'.

Not all the houses have central heating.Not everyone agrees with me.
8. 'not only'

Not only is often used with but or but also to link two words or phrases.

See not only
9. 'not' in short replies

You can use not at the end of a short reply in order to give your opinion. For example, you can say 'I hope not', 'Probably not', or 'Certainly not'.

'Will it happen again?' – 'I hope not.''I hope she won't die.' – 'Die? Certainly not!'
Adv.1.not - negation of a word or group of words; "he does not speak French"; "she is not going"; "they are not friends"; "not many"; "not much"; "not at all"non


(not) adverb1. (often abbreviated to n't) a word used for denying, forbidding, refusing, or expressing the opposite of something. I did not see him; I didn't see him; He isn't here; Isn't he coming?; They told me not to go; Not a single person came to the party; We're going to London, not Paris; That's not true! 不(表示否認、拒絕或反對) 不(用以表示否定、否认、拒绝、禁止等) 2. used with certain verbs such as hope, ~seem, ~believe, ~expect and also with be afraid. `Have you got much money?' `I'm afraid not'; `Is he going to fail his exam?' `I hope not'. 不(和hope等動詞和afraid連用,用以代替後續的子句) not at all it does not matter; it is not important etc. `Thank you for helping me.' `Not at all.' 一點也不 一点也不


  • I don't understand → 我听不懂
  • I don't speak English → 我不会说英语
  • I'm not ready → 我没准备好呢
  • I'm not coming → 我不来了
  • I don't know → 不知道
  • I don't mind → 我不介意
  • It doesn't matter → 没关系
  • It doesn't fit me → 不适合我穿
  • I'm not drinking → 我不喝酒
  • It isn't charging (US)
    It's not charging (UK) → 不能充电了
  • I'm not satisfied with this → 我对这件事不满意
  • The door won't close → 门关不上
  • The door won't open → 门开不了
  • She can't move → 她不能动了
  • She didn't yield (US)
    She didn't give way (UK) → 她没有让车
  • I'm not on the pill → 我不服用口服避孕药
  • I'm not hungry → 我不饿



An interjection negating the statement one has just made and thus rendering it sarcastic. Oh, yeah, I love getting a ton of homework on my birthday weekend. Not!

not (oneself)

Not feeling as one normally should, either physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. I'm sorry for getting upset at you earlier, I'm just not myself today. I know Mary hasn't been herself ever since she lost her job.See also: not


interj. Not really so! (A tag phrase added to the end of a statement, changing it from affirmative to negative. There is usually a pause before Not!, which is said on a level pitch somewhat higher than the sentence that comes before.) Of course I’m going to pay $100 a ticket to see a rock concert. Not!


half/so bad Informal Reasonably good.


See i don't think so.
  • (and) not before time!
  • (as) often as not
  • (but) not in the biblical sense
  • (I) don't believe I've had the pleasure
  • (I) don't care if I do
  • (I) don't mind if I do
  • (I) don't need this
  • (I) hope not
  • (I'm) (a)fraid not
  • (it) don't bother me none
  • (it's) not half bad
  • (not) a dicky bird
  • (not) breathe a word
  • (not) care a fig
  • (not) care a hoot
  • (not) care a toss
  • (not) care two hoots
  • (not) give a fig
  • (not) give a toss
  • (not) give two hoots
  • (not) half the person/man/woman (one) used to be
  • (not) the be-all and end-all
  • (not) up to scratch
  • (one) can't believe (one's) ears
  • (one) can't win
  • (one) can't win for losing
  • (one) does not wash (one's) dirty linen in public
  • (one) doesn't have a problem with that
  • (one) is not as green as (one) is cabbage-looking
  • (one) is not going to bite (someone)
  • (one) is not going to eat (someone)
  • (one) won't bite (someone)
  • (one) won't eat (someone)
  • (one) won't give up without a fight
  • (one's) bag
  • (one's) heart isn't in it
  • (one's) jam
  • (one's) scene
  • (please) don't get up
  • (someone) is not going to thank you for (something)
  • (someone) won't thank you for (something)
  • (something) will get (someone) nowhere
  • (something) won't get (someone) anywhere
  • (there are) too many chiefs and not enough Indians
  • a grower, not a shower
  • a house is not a home
  • a leopard does not change its spots
  • a leopard doesn't change its spots
  • a lot, not much, etc. in the way of something
  • a prophet is not without honor save in his own country
  • a/the liar is not believed when he tells the truth
  • about to
  • absolutely not
  • Absolutely not!
  • add up to
  • afraid not
  • all is not lost
  • all that
  • all that glistens is not gold
  • All that glitters is not gold
  • all that glitters/glistens/glisters is not gold
  • all there
  • and what not
  • and whatnot
  • as if that were not enough
  • as like as not
  • as likely as not
  • as much as (one) could do (not) (to do something)
  • as often as not
  • at all
  • bad sort, a
  • bat an eyelash
  • bat an eyelid
  • be (not) (one's) bag
  • be (not) (one's) brother's keeper
  • be (not) (one's) department
  • be (not) (one's) style
  • be (not) (one's) type
  • be (not) a patch on
  • be (not) a pretty sight
  • be (not) all beer and skittles
  • be (not) all fun and games
  • be (not) all moonlight and roses
  • be (not) as black as (someone or something) is painted
  • be (not) backward in coming forward
  • be (not) big on (something)
  • be (not) comme il faut
  • be (not) on speaking terms
  • be (not) out of the woods
  • be (not) supposed to (do something)
  • be (not) the end of the world
  • be (not) the marrying kind
  • be (not) well up on (something)
  • be (one's) place (to do something)
  • be all (one) could do (not) to (do something)
  • be careful not to (do something)
  • be made of money
  • be not (one's) bag
  • be not (one's) cup of tea
  • be not (one's) day
  • be not (one's) problem
  • be not (oneself)
  • be not a bed of roses
  • be not above (doing something)
  • be not all it's cracked up to be
  • be not all there
  • be not all/quite there
  • be not cut out for something
  • be not for the faint-hearted
  • be not fussed (about someone or something)
  • be not half bad
  • be not having any (of it)
  • be not in Kansas anymore
  • be not in the business of (doing something)
  • be not in the same class
  • be not in the same league
  • be not just a pretty face
  • be not just another pretty face
  • be not long for this world
  • be not much between the ears
  • be not much cop
  • be not much of a (something)
  • be not much to look at
  • be not on
  • be not playing the game
  • be not playing with a full deck
  • be not right in the head
  • be not rocket science
  • be not short of a bob or two
  • be not short of a penny (or two)
  • be not so much (something) as (something else)
  • be not so much something as something
  • be not the done thing
  • be not the full quid
  • be not the word for it
  • be not to know
  • be not up to much
  • be not up to scratch
  • be not up to snuff
  • be not up to the mark
  • be not what it's cracked up to be
  • be not whistling Dixie
  • be not worth a brass farthing
  • be not worth a dime
  • be not worth a fig
  • be not worth a hill of beans
  • be not worth a plug nickel
  • be not worth the paper it's printed on
  • be nothing (much) to write home about
  • be nothing, not much, etc. to write home about
  • be on
  • be taking calls
  • beer and skittles, (life is) not all
  • believe it or not
  • born yesterday, not (I wasn't)
  • born, not made
  • breathe (something) to (someone)
  • Burn not your house to fright the mouse away
  • by a long shot
  • by any stretch of the imagination
  • by no means
  • can't (do something) for toffee
  • can't be bad
  • can't be bothered
  • can't be doing with (something)
  • can't hack it
  • can't have it both ways
  • can't hold a candle to (someone or something)
  • can't say boo to a goose
  • can't see beyond the end of (one's) nose
  • can't see beyond the end of one's nose
  • can't see farther than (one's) nose
  • can't see farther than the end of (one's) nose
  • can't see further than (the end of) (one's) (own) nose
  • can't see the forest for the trees
  • can't see the wood for the trees
  • care not a groat
  • careful not to (do something)
  • careful not to do
  • caught dead, wouldn't be
  • children should be seen and not heard
  • come in out of the rain, know enough to
  • coming or going, not know if one is
  • couldn't agree more
  • couldn't carry a note in a bucket
  • couldn't carry a tune in a bucket
  • couldn't find (one's) way out of a paper bag
  • couldn't get elected dogcatcher
  • couldn't happen to a nicer (person)
  • crime does not pay
  • crime doesn't pay
  • cup of tea, one's
  • definitely not
  • Definitely not!
  • devil is not so black as he is painted
  • dictated but not read
  • do as I say
  • do as I say, not as I do
  • do not hang noodles on my ears
  • do not pass go
  • do not spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar
  • Do not wash your dirty linen in public
  • do nothing/not do anything by halves
  • does not wash
  • Dog does not eat dog
  • don't amount to a bucket of spit
  • don't ask
  • don't bet on it
  • don't bother me
  • Don't change horses in midstream.
  • don't count your chickens
  • don't crap where you eat
  • don't cry before you are hurt
  • don't cut no ice
  • don't drop the soap!
  • don't even go there
  • don't even look like (something)
  • don't even think about it
  • don't get mad, get even
  • don't get me started
  • don't get me wrong
  • don't get your bowels in an uproar
  • don't give me any of your lip
  • don't give me that
  • don't give me that line
  • don't give me that story
  • don't go there
  • don't halloo before you are out of the woods
  • don't halloo till you are out of the woods
  • don't halloo until you are out of the woods
  • don't hand me that line
  • don't hand me that story
  • don't have a cow
  • don't have a pot to piss in (or a window to throw it out of)
  • don't hold your breath
  • don't kill the messenger
  • don't knock it
  • don't knock yourself out
  • don't know whether to eat it or rub it on
  • don't let (someone or something) get you down
  • don't let it go any further
  • don't let the facts get in the way of a good story
  • don't let the grass grow under one's feet
  • don't look at me
  • don't make me laugh
  • don't make me say it again
  • don't mention it
  • don't mind (someone)
  • don't monkey around with me
  • don't patronize me
  • don't play (around) with me
  • don't push me
  • don't put the cart before the horse
  • don't rock the boat
  • don't say it
  • don't see you much around here anymore
  • don't shoot the messenger
  • don't spare the horses
  • don't speak ill of the dead
  • don't spend it all in one place
  • don't sweat it
  • don't sweat the small stuff
  • don't take any wooden nickels
  • don't tell a soul
  • don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
  • don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you
  • don't wash your dirty linen in public
  • don't waste your time
  • don't whistle before you are out of the woods
  • don't whistle till you are out of the woods
  • don't whistle until you are out of the woods
  • don't worry (about a thing)
  • don't worry your (pretty little) head about it
  • down the road, not across the street
  • dwell on
  • Eat to live, not live to eat
  • end of the world, it's not/wouldn't be the
  • exchange no more than
  • feel like oneself
  • few bricks short of a load
  • fig, not care/give/worth a
  • find (one) not guilty
  • find guilty
  • find it in one's heart, (not) to
  • for all the world
  • fret not
  • Fret not!
  • game is not worth the candle, the
  • get (one) nowhere
  • get no change out of someone
  • get nowhere
  • get somebody nowhere/not get somebody anywhere
  • give (someone) the time of day, not to/won't
  • gone but not forgotten
  • half of it
  • Half the world knows not how the other half lives
  • have never looked back
  • have no heart for
  • have not heard the half of it
  • have nothing on
  • have nothing to do with
  • have to do with
  • haven't
  • haven't seen hide nor hair of (someone or something)
  • haven't seen you in a long time
  • haven't seen you in a month of Sundays
  • he, it, etc. is not as black as he, it, etc. is painted
  • hear of (someone or something)
  • heart in it, have one's
  • heart not in it
  • hill of beans, doesn't amount to a/not worth a
  • hold a candle to, cannot/not fit to
  • hold a candle to, not
  • hold one's breath
  • hold out hope
  • hope not
  • I am not my brother's keeper
  • I didn't (quite) catch that
  • I didn't (quite) catch that (last) remark
  • I didn't catch your name
  • I didn't get that
  • I don't care
  • I don't have time to breathe
  • I don't have time to catch my breath
  • I don't know
  • I don't rightly know
  • I don't think so
  • I don't understand (it)
  • I don't want to alarm you, but
  • I don't want to upset you, but
  • I don't want to wear out my welcome
  • I don't wonder
  • I expect not
  • I guess not
  • I kid you not
  • I should hope not
  • I should hope so
  • I should hope so/not
  • I should think not
  • I should think so
  • I should think so/not
  • I suppose not
  • I suspect not
  • I think not
  • I wouldn't put it past (someone)
  • I wouldn't trust (someone) as far as I could throw (them)
  • I wouldn't wish (something) on (someone)
  • I wouldn't wish (something) on my worst enemy
  • I’m not kidding
  • if (one) can help it
  • if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him
  • if it ain't broke don't fix it
  • if it's not one thing, it's another!
  • if Mohammed will not go to the mountain
  • if not
  • if not now, when?
  • If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the ...
  • if the mountain will not come to Mohammed
  • if the mountain will not come to Mohammed...
  • if the mountain won't come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mounta
  • if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask
  • if you don't like it, lump it
  • if you don't make mistakes, you don't make anything
  • if you don't see what you want, just ask (for it)
  • if you don't see what you want, please ask (for it)
  • I'll thank you to (do something)
  • I'm not bothered
  • I'm not finished with you
  • I'm not kidding
  • I'm not mad at it
  • I'm not made of money
  • I'm not my brother's keeper
  • I'm not surprised
  • in any way, shape, or form, not
  • in the least
  • in the not too distant future
  • in the not-so-distant future
  • in the not-too-distant future
  • in the same breath
  • in the same league
  • in the unlikely event
  • in the way of (someone or something)
  • in tune
  • it ain't over till/until it's over
  • it ain't over till/until the fat lady sings
  • it ain't/it's not over till the fat lady sings
  • it don't make (me) no nevermind
  • it is not work that kills, but worry
  • it isn't as though
  • it isn't over till/until the fat lady sings
  • it isn't worth it
  • it isn't worth the trouble
  • it won't wash
  • it/that won't do
  • It’s not my dog
  • it's just not cricket
  • it's not (one's) first rodeo
  • it's not cricket
  • it's not on
  • it's not over till it's over
  • it's not over till/until the fat lady sings
  • it's not rocket science
  • it's not saying much
  • it's not the heat, it's the humidity
  • it's not the meat, it's the motion
  • it's not what you know but who you know
  • it's not worth it
  • it's not worth the trouble
  • It's your funeral
  • it's/that's not my problem
  • it's/that's not saying much, etc.
  • Judge not, lest ye be judged
  • know (someone) from Adam, doesn't/not to
  • know when one is not wanted
  • last but not least
  • lay it on the line
  • leg to stand on, doesn't have a/not a/without a
  • let (the) perfect be the enemy of (the) good
  • let's not and say (that) we did
  • Let's not go through all that again
  • liar is not believed when he tells the truth
  • lift a finger, he/she doesn't/won't
  • lightning doesn't strike twice
  • like as not
  • like it or not
  • likely as not
  • living soul
  • long shot, (not by) a
  • long shot, a
  • look (oneself)
  • look back
  • make (an amount of money) on (something)
  • Man does not live by bread alone
  • mince words, not to
  • miss a trick, doesn't/not to
  • Money does not grow on trees
  • money doesn't grow on trees
  • moonlight and roses
  • more often than not
  • move a muscle
  • never have a good word to say about (someone of something)
  • never in your wildest dreams
  • never/not look back
  • no hard feelings
  • no problem
  • no something/nothing/not anything to speak of
  • no spring chicken
  • none too
  • not
  • not (all) that good/bad/well/poor/etc.
  • not (even) go there
  • not (just) whistling Dixie
  • not (one's) brother's keeper
  • not (one's) cup of tea
  • not (one's) day
  • not (one's) department
  • not (one's) first barbecue
  • not (one's) keeper
  • not (one's) long suit
  • not (one's) place (to do something)
  • not (oneself)
  • not (quite) right in the head
  • not (really) (one's) scene
  • not (really) (one's) thing
  • not a (whole) lot
  • not a bad sort
  • not a bean
  • not a bit
  • not a bit of it
  • not a bit of it!
  • not a blind bit of (something)
  • not a blind bit of notice, difference, etc.
  • not a bone in your body
  • not a brass farthing
  • not a cat in hell's chance
  • not a chance
  • Not a chance!
  • not a dicky bird
  • not a dog's chance
  • not a dry eye in the house
  • not a ghost of a chance
  • not a glimmer
  • not a glimmer (of something)
  • not a hair out of place
  • not a happy bunny
  • not a hope
  • not a hope in hell
  • not a hundred/thousand/million miles away
  • not a hundred/thousand/million miles away/from here
  • not a jot
  • not a kid anymore
  • not a little
  • not a living soul
  • not a minute too soon



(logic)The Boolean function which is true only if its inputis false. Its truth table is:

A | NOT A--+----------F | TT | F


A Boolean logic operation that reverses the input. If 0 is input, 1 is output, and vice versa. See AND-OR-NOT.


NOTNeural Organization Technique
NOTNormalized Operating Time
NOTNot Only That
NOTNotice of Termination (usually refers to contracts)
NOTNormal Operating Temperature
NOTNordic Optical Telescope
NOTNationale Onderwijs Tentoonstelling (Dutch: National Education Exhibition)
NOTNaczelna Organizacja Techniczna (Polish Federation of Engineering Associations)
NOTNew Organization Training


  • adv

Synonyms for not

adv negation of a word or group of words


  • non




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