Log Conveyor

Log Conveyor


(log hauler), a mechanized device for the lengthwise transportation of logs. It consists of a chain with lateral crosspieces having pins to grip and hold the logs, two pulleys (drums or sprockets), one of which is the driving pulley with teeth or recesses, and a drive station. The conveyor chain with the lateral crosspieces runs along special guides at speeds of 0.6-0.9 m/sec. Log conveyors consist of separate sections and reach lengths of 1,000 m. They are used for hauling floating logs out of the water and transporting them to storage yards or sawmills. The conveyors that transport logs to lumberyards are mounted on platforms up to 14 m high, from which the logs are rolled off into stacks on both sides of the platform. For hauling and transporting logs (pulpwood) 1-2 m long, log conveyors are mounted on trusses that can be moved on a track along the shore. Log conveyors have capacities of 300-700 cu m per shift.