Acronym | Definition |
ACFI➣Aged Care Funding Instrument (Australia) |
ACFI➣Accounting and Finance (university department) |
ACFI➣Association Canadienne des Fournisseurs Internet (French) |
ACFI➣American Cash Flow Institute (Orlando, Florida) |
ACFI➣Association of Certified Forensic Investigators (of Canada) |
ACFI➣AMRESCO Commercial Finance LLC (Boise, ID) |
ACFI➣Asociación Chileno Francesa de Profesionales (Spanish) |
ACFI➣Alabama Center for Foreign Investment |
ACFI➣Amsterdam Center for Finance and Insurance |
ACFI➣African Christians Fellowship International (Lancaster, South Carolina; Vanderhoof, British Columbia, Canada and Monrovia, Liberia) |
ACFI➣Austin Christian Fellowship of India (Round Rock, Texas) |
ACFI➣American Committee of the Fourth International |
ACFI➣Agent Chargé d’une Fonction d’Inspection (French) |
ACFI➣Arizona Chess Federation Inc. |
ACFI➣Assistant Commander for Force Integration |
ACFI➣Agencia Canaria de Fotografia, Imagen Y Radio (Spanish) |
ACFI➣Association Culturelle Franco-Iranienne (French) |
ACFI➣Advisory Committee on Fungal Infections (UK Health Protection Agency) |
ACFI➣Agape Christian Fellowship International, Inc (Seattle, Washington) |
ACFI➣Annual Comprehensive Facility Inspection |
ACFI➣Aquaculture Farm International (Thailand) |
ACFI➣Accommodation and Care Fit Index |
ACFI➣Associaton des Chambres Françaises de Commerce et de l'Industrie (French) |
ACFI➣Assurances Christian Filiol (en France) |
ACFI➣Association Culturel Franco-Indienne (French) |
ACFI➣Accessoires pour les Chemins de Fer et l'Industrie (French) |
ACFI➣Action Coordonée Formation Insertion (French) |
ACFI➣American Car & Foundry Inc. |