

See also skill and craft; work.
amanuensisFormal. 1. asecretary.
2. a scribe or copyist.
cameist1. a maker of cameos.
2. a collector of or authority on cameos.
Chekista member of the Russian secret police (1917-1922) called Cheka.factotuma general assistant, engaged to do all varieties of work.métieran occupation, vocation or trade, especially in the sense of the work a person is best suited for.millinerythe art and trade of designing and making women’s hats. — milliner, n.modiste, modista maker and seller of fashionable gowns and millinery for women.mosaicista mosaic maker or dealer in mosaics. Also mosaist.myropolistObsolete, a dealer in perfume or unguents.oecist, oekista colonizer.ombudsmanan individual charged with the duty of investigating and redressing the sources of complaints lodged by private citizens against businesses, institutions, and officials.vitrailista maker or designer of stained glass.