Okanogan National Forest

Okanogan National Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / National ForestsAddress:1240 S 2nd Ave
Okanogan, WA 98841

Web: www.fs.fed.us/r6/oka
Size: 1,501,782 acres.
Location:Northern Washington. Accessible by US 97 and WA 20. Nearby cities/towns include Conconully, Mazama, Okanogan, Twisp, and Winthrup.
Facilities:38 campgrounds, trails (1,285 miles), scenic overlooks, scenic drives, 55 lakes, picnic sites.
Activities:Camping, fishing, boating, hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, hunting, OHV riding, rock climbing, cross-country and downhill skiing, snowmobiling, heli-skiing.
Special Features:100-foot Cedar Creek Falls; Goat Wall, a huge granite outcropping above the western end of Methow Valley; North Cascades Scenic Highway; Pasayten and Lake Chelan-Sawtooth wilderness areas; Big Tree Botanical Area, featuring two 600-year-old western larch trees; a segment of the Pacific Crest Trail (see separate entry in national trails section).

See other parks in Washington.