Oka Glaciation
Oka Glaciation
the oldest reliably established glaciation of the East European Plain in the Anthropogenic (Quaternary) period. During the Oka Glacial stage, ice caps advanced from the north to the Oka River, the lower course of the Pripiat’ River, and perhaps still farther south, along the Dnieper River. The Oka Glaciation is generally correlated with the Mindel Glaciation of the Alps and the Elster Glaciation of Western Europe; the origin of the latter two dates back about 500,000 years. The Oka Glaciation was first isolated in 1936 by B. M. Dan’shin and later in the 1930’s by A. I. Moskvitin. In 1939, I. P. Gerasimov and K. K. Markov proposed that it be called the Likhvin Glaciation, but this name did not become established.