assisted reproductive technology


 [tek-nol´ah-je] scientific knowledge; the sum of the study of a technique.assisted reproductive technology (ART) any procedure that involves manipulation of eggs or sperm to establish pregnancy in treatment of infertility, such as fertilization" >in vitro fertilization, transfer" >gamete intrafallopian transfer, transfer" >tubal embryo transfer, and transfer" >zygote intrafallopian transfer.

as·sist·ed re·pro·duc·tive tech·nol·o·gy

originally, a range of techniques for manipulating oocytes and sperm to overcome infertility; encompasses drug treatments to stimulate ovulation, surgical methods for removing oocytes (for example, laparoscopy and ultrasound-guided transvaginal aspiration) and for implanting embryos (for example, zygote intrafallopian transfer or ZIFT), in vitro and in vivo fertilization (for example, artificial insemination and gamete intrafallopian transfer or GIFT), ex utero and in utero fetal surgery, and laboratory regimes for freezing and screening sperm and embryos as well as micromanipulating and cloning embryos as well as See: eugenics.

assisted reproductive technology

n. Any of various techniques for enhancing fertility, such as in vitro fertilization, in which both the egg and the sperm are manipulated.

assisted reproductive technology

The range of technologies used in the treatment of infertility. These include in vitro fertilization, the use of frozen embryos, embryo screening, testicular sperm retrieval, sperm microinjection, chromosome screening, frozen ova and long-frozen sperms from dead donors.