National League for Nursing

National League for Nursing

 (NLN) a national organization concerned with improving nursing education and nursing service at all levels. In 1952 three existing national organizations and four committees agreed to combine and form the NLN: the National League of Nursing Education (founded in 1893), National Organization for Public Health Nursing (founded in 1912), Association of Collegiate Schools of Nursing (founded in 1933), Joint Committee on Practical Nurses and Auxiliary Workers in Nursing (founded in 1945), Joint Committee on Careers in Nursing (founded in 1948), National Committee for the Improvement of Nursing Services (founded in 1949), and the National Accrediting Service (founded in 1949). The focus of the League is to “foster the development of hospital, industrial, public health, and other organized nursing service and of nursing education through the coordinated action of nurses, allied professional groups, citizens, agencies, and schools to the end that the nursing needs of the people will be met.” 
The official publication of the National League for Nursing is Nursing Perspectives on Community Health Care. The national office is located at 350 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014, and its telephone number is 212-989-9393.

National League for Nursing



An organization originally formed by the merging of three other nursing organizations. The principal concern of the League is improvement of nursing education and service.