Leacock, Eleanor Burke
Leacock, Eleanor Burke
Born July 2, 1922, in Weehawken, N.J. American anthropologist and sociologist.
Leacock is the author of historical-ethnological and comparative sociological studies in which she takes a stand against racism and bourgeois sociological theories. She edited new editions of L. H. Morgan’s Ancient Society (1963) and F. Engels’ Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State (1972).
The Montagnais “Hunting Territory” and the Fur Trade. Menasha, Wis. 1954. (American Anthropological Association Memoir, no. 78.)Teaching and Learning in City Schools New York-London, 1969.
“Education, ‘Socialization,’ and ‘the Culture of Poverty.’” In Schools Against Children. New York-London, 1970.