Lodeinoe Pole
Lodeinoe Pole
a city in Leningrad Oblast, RSFSR; a landing on the left bank of the Svir’ River (Lake Ladoga Basin) on the Volga-Baltic waterway. A railroad station on the Volkhov-Petrozavodsk line, 244 km northeast of Leningrad. Population, 21,400 (1972).
Lodeinoe Pole arose on the site of the village of Mokrishvitsa, where Peter I established a shipyard named Olonetskaia. In 1785 the village was reorganized as a city, Lodeinoe Pole. In 1801 it became the district capital of Olonetskaia Province. Lodeinoe Pole is the site of railroad transport enterprises, a plant producing silicate-calcite and reinforced-concrete items, a woodworking combine, and a logging and timber distribution establishment. There is a museum of history and local lore.