Acronym | Definition |
MCP➣Microsoft Certified Professional |
MCP➣Military Continuous Power |
MCP➣Master Control Program |
MCP➣Multi-Chip Package |
MCP➣Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) |
MCP➣Microsoft Certified Partner |
MCP➣Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein |
MCP➣Monocyte Chemotactic Protein |
MCP➣Massachusetts Contingency Plan |
MCP➣Multi-Core Processor |
MCP➣Metacarpophalangeal (joint) |
MCP➣Media and Communications Processor (NVIDIA nForce) |
MCP➣Microchannel Plate |
MCP➣Modified Citrus Pectin (antiadhesive agent) |
MCP➣Membrane Cofactor Protein |
MCP➣Math Co-Processor |
MCP➣Msn Cached Pages |
MCP➣Multi Choice Precoding |
MCP➣Multi Channel Portal |
MCP➣Media and Communications Processor |
MCP➣Mean Continuous Period |
MCP➣Multiple Chip Product |
MCP➣Multi Chip Package |
MCP➣Media Controller Processor |
MCP➣Multiprotocol Communication Processor |
MCP➣Mission Critical Partnership |
MCP➣Multiple Channel Protocol |
MCP➣Multi Channel Processor |
MCP➣Malawi Congress Party (Malawi political party) |
MCP➣Medical College of Pennsylvania |
MCP➣Multi Camera Production |
MCP➣Maritime Communications Partner (telecommunications company) |
MCP➣Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics (various universities) |
MCP➣Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics (publication; Wiley) |
MCP➣Macmillan Computer Publishing |
MCP➣Mod Coder Pack (Minecraft) |
MCP➣Management Certificate Program (various schools) |
MCP➣Military Care Package |
MCP➣Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (various schools) |
MCP➣Massachusetts College of Pharmacy |
MCP➣Major Capital Project |
MCP➣Mode Control Panel |
MCP➣Mobile Contactless Payment |
MCP➣Malayan Communist Party (political group) |
MCP➣Mar Cor Purification (various locations) |
MCP➣Master Control Panel |
MCP➣Media Communications Processor |
MCP➣Market Clearing Price (equilibrium price) |
MCP➣Master of City Planning |
MCP➣Male Chauvinist Pig |
MCP➣Monthly Capitation Payment (healthcare) |
MCP➣Motion Compensated Prediction |
MCP➣Medi-Cal Program (Department of Health Care Services; California) |
MCP➣Mobile Command Post |
MCP➣Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy (various organizations) |
MCP➣Mode Conditioning Patch (cable) |
MCP➣Minimum Convex Polygons |
MCP➣Minimum Contract Period |
MCP➣Motor Circuit Protector |
MCP➣Motor Challenge Programme (EU) |
MCP➣Maternity Care Program (various locations) |
MCP➣Medical Claims Processing (various companies) |
MCP➣Master Computer Program |
MCP➣Meritorious Commissioning Program (US Marine Corps) |
MCP➣Mentoring Children of Prisoners |
MCP➣Mass Customization Platform |
MCP➣Management Control Program |
MCP➣Multi Channel Plate |
MCP➣Math Coprocessor |
MCP➣Moto Club Pirate (French: Pirate Motorcycle Club; Switzerland) |
MCP➣Marketing Communication Plan |
MCP➣Medically Compromised Patient |
MCP➣Manual Call Point |
MCP➣Multi-Channel Processing (various locations) |
MCP➣Montgomery County Police (Maryland) |
MCP➣Manual of Concrete Practice (American Concrete Institute) |
MCP➣Measurement Comparison Program (laboratory measurement assurance) |
MCP➣Maximum Continuous Power |
MCP➣Mixed Complementarity Problem |
MCP➣Management Communication Program (Stanford University; California) |
MCP➣Master Control Processor |
MCP➣Master Change Proposal |
MCP➣Minority Counsel Program (American Bar Association) |
MCP➣Mentoring Children of Promise (various locations) |
MCP➣Marginal Cost-Pricing (economics) |
MCP➣Millennium Coastal Park (UK) |
MCP➣Mission Critical Partnership (Hewlett Packard) |
MCP➣Mobile Computing Program (various universities) |
MCP➣Management Control Plan |
MCP➣Metrowerks CodeWarrior Project |
MCP➣Malay Concordance Project |
MCP➣Maine Coastal Program (Augusta, ME) |
MCP➣Master of Community Planning |
MCP➣Metal Clay Powder (silver) |
MCP➣Mission City Press |
MCP➣Master Code Professional (fire safety certification) |
MCP➣Myrinet Control Program |
MCP➣Mission Capability Package(s) |
MCP➣Main Command Post |
MCP➣Macapa, Amapa, Brazil (Airport Code) |
MCP➣Major Crown Project (Canada) |
MCP➣Medical Center of Plano (Texas) |
MCP➣Mission Control Programmer (US NASA) |
MCP➣Maintenance Collection Point |
MCP➣Mercy Care Plan |
MCP➣Meth Cleanup Program (Montana) |
MCP➣Main Coolant Pipeline (nuclear energy) |
MCP➣Master Control Process |
MCP➣Marketing Company President |
MCP➣Microbial Cell Project (US Department of Energy) |
MCP➣Moral Courage Project (New York University) |
MCP➣Methyl Chemotaxis Protein |
MCP➣My Course Planning (Australia) |
MCP➣Multifocal Choroiditis and Panuveitis (ophthalmology) |
MCP➣Municipal Compliance Plan |
MCP➣Motor Control Panel |
MCP➣Mark C Pope Associates, Inc (Smyrna, GA) |
MCP➣Message Control Program |
MCP➣Merchant Control Panel (software) |
MCP➣Minimally Conscious Patient |
MCP➣Multimode Communications Processor |
MCP➣Marine Corps Capabilities Plan |
MCP➣Medico Cirujano Y Partero (Spanish) |
MCP➣Magic Cooking Products (Australia) |
MCP➣Mission Comptable Permanente (French: Permanent Mission Accountant) |
MCP➣Miamisburg Closure Project |
MCP➣Maintenance Control Program |
MCP➣Mission Critical Program |
MCP➣Multiport Communication Processor |
MCP➣Metasynthesis of Computing Paradigms |
MCP➣Malaysia Conference on Photonics |
MCP➣Multiprotocol Communications Processor (Sun Microsystems) |
MCP➣Materials Control Plan |
MCP➣Master's of City Planning |
MCP➣Mekong Collaboration Program (InSTEDD) |
MCP➣Mississippi Coastal Program |
MCP➣Management Consulting Process |
MCP➣Mission Coordinating Paper |
MCP➣Merged Call Processor (Sprint) |
MCP➣Multi Control Panel |
MCP➣Mission Control Panel |
MCP➣Management and Control Processor (ATM) |
MCP➣Major Case Prints |
MCP➣Materiel Change Program |
MCP➣Message Processing Center |
MCP➣Main Controller Power (AT&T) |
MCP➣Medical Continuation Pay |
MCP➣Main Coolant/Cooling Pump |
MCP➣Maine Central Power |
MCP➣Monitor Microchannel Plate |
MCP➣Master Control Port (Cisco) |
MCP➣Membrane Co-factor of Proteolysis |
MCP➣Managing Complexity Programme (University of York; UK) |
MCP➣Maintenance Computer Program |
MCP➣Monitor and Control Protocol |
MCP➣Mission Concept Paper |
MCP➣Melamine Component Panel |
MCP➣Master Craftsman Program |
MCP➣Ministry Certificate Program |
MCP➣Morse Critical Point |
MCP➣Motion Capture Process |
MCP➣Materiel Change Plan |
MCP➣Merge Control Process |
MCP➣Multiple Cable Penetrator |
MCP➣Military Cooperation Program |
MCP➣Metal Conjugated Polymer |
MCP➣Military Construction Plan/Program |
MCP➣Multi-Component Product Code |
MCP➣More Coffee Please |
MCP➣Model Compliance Program |
MCP➣Mobile Checkpoint (military/peacekeeping) |
MCP➣Mean Continuous Period (manufacturing) |
MCP➣Minimum Carriage Paid |
MCP➣Methane Combustion Project |
MCP➣Modular Component Prediction |
MCP➣Mishap Co-Pilot |
MCP➣Mutual Coupling Parameter |
MCP➣Make Connor Proud (memorial) |
MCP➣Mission Collage Prepatory |
MCP➣Mike & Chris Productions (YouTube channel) |
MCP➣Member of Canadian Parliament |
MCP➣Mobile Call Pickup (NewStep Networks) |