Acronym | Definition |
LCW➣Lee Chong Wei (professional badminton player) |
LCW➣Link Control Word |
LCW➣Lake City Way (Seattle, WA) |
LCW➣Lahore College for Women (Lahore, Pakistan) |
LCW➣Language & Culture Worldwide (Chicago, IL) |
LCW➣Little Children of the World |
LCW➣Lounge Chair Wood |
LCW➣Lebanon Communication Workshop |
LCW➣Last Chance Workout (weight loss) |
LCW➣Low Conductivity Water |
LCW➣Lancaster Championship Wrestling (Lancaster, PA) |
LCW➣Local Closed World (information) |
LCW➣Laiden Curb Weight (truck measurement) |
LCW➣Longest Call Waiting (call center) |
LCW➣Loud, Confident and Wrong |
LCW➣LAN Connected Workstation (IPX/SPX) |
LCW➣Lego Championship Wrestling |