Abdul-Rahman Momand

Abdul-Rahman Momand


(second name Rahman Baba). Born 1632 in the village of Bahadur, near Peshawar; died 1706 in Peshawar. Afghan poet and Sufi.

Abdul-Rahman was born into a family of modest means from the Momand tribe. He wrote in the Pashto language. The poetry of Abdul-Rahman Momand contains a critical view of public life and is often imbued with pessimism; he lashed out against hypocritical asceticism and bigotry. His first divan was published in Lahore in 1876.


Divan. Kabul, 1328 A. H. (A. D. 1949).
In Russian translation:
Iz afganskikh pesen i stikhov. Moscow, 1955.
Skazki i stikhi Afganistana. Moscow, 1958.


Rishtin, S. Di Pashto di adab tarikh. Kabul, 1333 A.H. (A.D. 1954).