Abdukadyrov, Kalmakan
Abdukadyrov, Kalmakan Abdukadyrovich
Born Apr. 4 (15), 1903; died Apr. 30, 1964. Soviet Kazakh writer. Member of the CPSU from 1928.
At the age of 12, Abdukadyrov began working as a farmhand for a bai (a wealthy landowner in Middle Asia). His first works appeared in 1925. He was the author of poetry collections depicting the new life of the Kazakh people under socialism, including The Farmhand (1928), Rates (1932), Miner (1934), and Collected Poems (1948). His collection Oath (1945) is dedicated to the heroic spirit of the Great Patriotic War. His prose works include Amantai (1936), Sweet Melons (1936), Komsomol Team (1948), and Short Stories (1952). He translated A Thousand and One Nights into Kazakh.
[Abdüqadïrov, Qalmaqan Abdüqadïrovich.] Tangdamalï elengder men poemalar. Alma-Ata, 1958.In Russian translation:
Izbrannoe: Stikhi i poemy. Alma-Ata, 1949.