

单词 mpr



(MultiProtocol Router) Software from Novell that provides router capabilities for its NetWare servers. It supports IPX, IP, AppleTalk and OSI protocols as well as all the major LANs and WANs.



Abbreviation for mannose-6-phosphate receptors , under receptor.

medication possession ratio



The number of dispensed medication doses divided by the number of days in a unit of time (e.g., 1 year). The MPR can be used to estimate the degree to which patients with chronic medical conditions comply with prescribed drug therapies.


MPRMinnesota Public Radio
MPRMaritime Patrol and Response (Australia)
MPRMathematica Policy Research, Inc.
MPRMarketing and Public Relations (various organizations)
MPRMai Pen Rai (Thai expression)
MPRMonetary Policy Rate (Central Bank of Nigeria)
MPRMountain Pine Ridge (Belize)
MPRMapper (Nortel)
MPRMelting Pot Records (Spain)
MPRMajelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat
MPRMulti-Purpose Room
MPRMultiple Provider Router
MPRMulti Protocol Router
MPRMulti Part Repeater
MPRMonthly Prescribing Reference
MPRMultiplanar Reconstruction (CT and MR imaging)
MPRMonthly Progress Report
MPRMarket Price Referent
MPRMineral and Petroleum Resources (various locations)
MPRMouvement Populaire de la Révolution (French: Popular Movement of the Revolution; Zairian political party)
MPRMinimum Premium Rate
MPRMaterial Procurement Request
MPRManagement Program Review (various organizations)
MPRMongolian People's Republic
MPRMedical Products Resource (Burnsville, MN)
MPRPopular Movement of the Revolution (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
MPRMultiprotocol Router
MPRMarine Parks and Reserves (Australia)
MPRMonthly Payment Rate
MPRMaster Planning of Resources
MPRMaster Plan Report (various organizations)
MPRMontpelier-Barre (Amtrak station code; Montpelier-Barre, VT)
MPRMaine Public Radio (NPR affiliate)
MPRMichigan Privatization Report (Mackinac Center for Public Policy)
MPRMouvement Patriotique pour le Renouveau (French: Patriotic Movement for Renewal; political party; Mali)
MPRMeter Point Reference (gas metering)
MPRMulti-Point Relay
MPRMicrowave Packet Radio (wireless transmission)
MPRMinistarstvo Pravde (Ministry of Justice, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
MPRMonthly Program Review
MPRMaintenance Procedure
MPRMagnetic Proton Recoil
MPRMultipart Repeater
MPRMulti-Packet Reception
MPRMoney Power Respect (band)
MPRMissing Persons Report
MPRMilitary Personnel Record(s)
MPRMannose Phosphate Receptor
MPRMedicaid Program Representative (North Carolina)
MPRMulti-Provider Router
MPRMiscellaneous Property Report (police incident code; New Zealand)
MPRMars Pressurized Rover
MPRMathematical Principles of Reinforcement
MPRMinimum Power Routing
MPRMaximum Permitted Rate
MPRMedical Possession Ratio (patient drug adherence)
MPRMedication Possession Rate
MPRManagement Policy Rule (Microsoft)
MPRMinor Planet Research, Inc.
MPRMouvement Patronal pour le Renouveau (French: Patronal Movement for Renewal; business organization)
MPRMonthly Progress Review
MPRMilitary Pay Record
MPRMaster Personnel Records
MPRMultiple Pulses per Row
MPRMaster Pointer Record
MPRMotorised Prism Rotation
MPRMagic Power Rating (gaming)
MPRManagement Planning Research Associates, Inc. (Berkeley, CA)
MPRMultiplex Project Requirements (Sprint)
MPRMisdialed Trunk Prefix (ITU-T)
MPRManufacturer's Production Run
MPRMain Processor Rack
MPRMobility Position Roster
MPRMinimum Property Requirement (US HUD)
MPRMan Power Request
MPRMesh Path Restoration (IEEE)
MPRManufacturer's Problem Report
MPRMandill, Panoff, Rockwell
MPRMessage Processing Router
MPRMultipath Ranging
MPRManagement Profit Report
MPRMaster's in Public Relations (degree program)




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