Acronym | Definition |
LCM➣Least Common Multiple |
LCM➣Lowest Common Multiple |
LCM➣Life Cycle Management |
LCM➣London College of Music (Thames Valley University) |
LCM➣Laser-Capture Microdissection |
LCM➣Lighting Control Module |
LCM➣Liquid Crystal Module |
LCM➣Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis |
LCM➣Leeds College of Music (UK) |
LCM➣Long Course Meters (swimming) |
LCM➣Lower of Cost or Market (accounting) |
LCM➣Liquid Crystal Display Module |
LCM➣Liquid Composite Molding (simulation software) |
LCM➣Landing Craft, Mechanized |
LCM➣Life Cycle Model |
LCM➣Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School (Orange, TX) |
LCM➣Life Cycle Manager (SPAWAR) |
LCM➣Leadership and Change Management (various organizations) |
LCM➣Loss Cost Multiplier (insurance) |
LCM➣Liquid Composite Molding |
LCM➣Linux Cluster Manager |
LCM➣Lat Computer Manager |
LCM➣Landesk Configuration Manager |
LCM➣Login Client Module |
LCM➣Large Core Memory |
LCM➣Lat Communications Manager |
LCM➣Life Cycle Methodology |
LCM➣Left Click Menu |
LCM➣Lost Circulation Material (oil drilling) |
LCM➣Lutheran Church of the Master (various organizations) |
LCM➣Louisiana Children's Museum |
LCM➣Loss Control Management (business accountability) |
LCM➣Landing Craft Medium |
LCM➣Letalski Center Maribor (Slovenian flight center) |
LCM➣Left Costal Margin |
LCM➣Sisters of the Little Company of Mary (religious order) |
LCM➣Leadership Competency Model (various organizations) |
LCM➣London Canal Museum (UK) |
LCM➣Living Computer Museum (Seattle, WA) |
LCM➣Loose Cubic Meter (metric measurement) |
LCM➣Life Cycle Monitoring (marine conservation) |
LCM➣Leather Case for Motorola (cell phones) |
LCM➣Line Control Module |
LCM➣Large-Capacity Magazine (guns) |
LCM➣Lawton Chiles Middle (Lakeland, FL) |
LCM➣Local Church Ministry |
LCM➣Large Case Management |
LCM➣Lead Containing Material |
LCM➣Live Current Media (Canada) |
LCM➣Logistics Cost Management (supply chain) |
LCM➣Live Country Music |
LCM➣Loss Control Manual (various organizations) |
LCM➣Love, Courtship and Marriage |
LCM➣Low Cost Media |
LCM➣Liaison Committee Meeting (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) |
LCM➣Lotsoff Capital Management (Chicago, IL) |
LCM➣Low Cost Move |
LCM➣Legal & Compliance Management (various companies) |
LCM➣LEAF Creation Method (Escrowed Encryption Standard) |
LCM➣Laser Countermeasure(s) |
LCM➣Latitude Capital Management (French asset management company) |
LCM➣Legal Costs Management (UK) |
LCM➣Line Concentrating Module |
LCM➣logical computing machine (aka Turing machine) |
LCM➣Loyal Clan Member (gaming) |
LCM➣Light Carrying Medium (presumably coined by astronomer Tom Van Flandern) |
LCM➣Logistics Community Manager |
LCM➣Logic Control Module |
LCM➣Line Cost Model (Sprint) |
LCM➣Liquid Cooling Module |
LCM➣Level Converter Module |
LCM➣Launch Confirmation Message |
LCM➣Lens-CCD Module |
LCM➣Locally Corrected Nystrom Method |
LCM➣Lyreco Core Model |
LCM➣Linear Coded Modulation |
LCM➣Line Carrier Module |
LCM➣Lake Champlain and Moriah (railroad) |