Lockheed, Allan Haines

Lockheed, Allan Haines,

1889–1969, American aviation pioneer, b. Niles, Calif., as Allan Loughead. He worked as a mechanic and a race car driver, then, following his first flight (1910), he became a flight instructor and barnstorming exhibition pilot. He and his brother Malcolm Lockheed, 1887–1958, b. Niles, Calif. as Malcolm Loughead, introduced their a successful seaplane in 1913. In 1919 Malcolm left the company and formed Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., which he eventually sold (1932) to Bendix Corp. Allan was president of Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Co. (1916–20), and later vice president of Lockheed Aircraft Co. (1926–29) until the company was sold to Detroit Aircraft Corp. He then headed the reorganized Lockheed Brothers Aircraft Corp. (1930–34), and Alcor Aircraft Corp. (1937–39).

Lockheed, Allan Haines

See under Lockheed, Malcolm.