Acronym | Definition |
LCI➣Life Cycle Inventory |
LCI➣Lippert Components, Inc. (Indiana) |
LCI➣La Chaine Info (French cable news channel) |
LCI➣Lan Connect Interface |
LCI➣Linux Certified Instructor |
LCI➣Logical Channel Identifier |
LCI➣Line Control Unit |
LCI➣Landing Craft, Infantry |
LCI➣Livable Centers Initiative |
LCI➣Low Coherence Interferometry |
LCI➣Load Commutated Inverter (type of variable speed controller for AC electric motors) |
LCI➣League Cycling Instructor (League of American Bicyclists safety instructor certification) |
LCI➣Labor, Commerce and Industry (South Carolina) |
LCI➣Lions Club International |
LCI➣Lean Construction Institute |
LCI➣Lower Cook Inlet (Alaska) |
LCI➣Life Cycle Information |
LCI➣Loaded Chamber Indicator (firearms) |
LCI➣Logical Channel Identifier (network technology) |
LCI➣Linux Clusters Institute (est. 1998) |
LCI➣Lake Champlain International, Inc. (Colchester, VT) |
LCI➣Le Contrôle Industriel (French: The Industrial Control) |
LCI➣Lung Clearance Index |
LCI➣Lasalle College International (various locations) |
LCI➣Licensed Court Interpreter (Texas) |
LCI➣Lebanon Correctional Institution (Lebanon, OH) |
LCI➣Local Craft Interface |
LCI➣Lima Correctional Institution (Lima, OH) |
LCI➣Low Cost Infrastructure (wireless services) |
LCI➣Lighthouse Chapel International |
LCI➣Life Cycle Impulse (auto mid-life cycle vehicle facelift) |
LCI➣Leisure Craft Industries (various locations) |
LCI➣Learning Curve International (Chicago, IL) |
LCI➣Law Commission of India |
LCI➣Lisgar Collegiate Institute (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) |
LCI➣Limitation Contractuelle d'Indemnité (French: Limit on Contractual Indemnity) |
LCI➣Low-Cost Integration (Navair) |
LCI➣Launch Centered Inertial |
LCI➣Linux Certified Instructor (Sair Linux and GNU Certified Instructor) |
LCI➣Louisiana Certified Investigator |
LCI➣Local Communication Interface |
LCI➣Launch Control Indicator |
LCI➣Learning Content Institute (elearning) |
LCI➣Load Cost Indicator |
LCI➣Lab Computing Integrator (Perkin-Elmer) |
LCI➣Lynch Construction Inc (Churchville, MD or Huntington Beach, CA) |