Acronym | Definition |
OIV➣Organismo Indipendente di Valutazione della Performance (Italian: Body Independent Perfomance Assessment) |
OIV➣Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin (French: International Organization of Vine and Wine) |
OIV➣Object Identifier Value |
OIV➣Organismo Italiano di Valutazione (Italian: Italian Body Assessment; various locations) |
OIV➣Office International de la Vigne et du Vin (French: International Office of Vine and Wine) |
OIV➣Offline Image Viewer |
OIV➣Obveznih Izbirnih Vsebin (Slovenian: Compulsory Elective Subjects) |
OIV➣Occupant Impact Velocity |
OIV➣Optique Image Vision |
OIV➣Options d'Investissement Variable (French: Variable Investment Options) |
OIV➣Oroxylum Indicum Vent (medicinal plant; Thailand) |