

单词 lock


lock 1

L0221700 (lŏk)n.1. A device operated by a key, combination, or keycard and used, as on a door, for holding, closing, or securing.2. A section of a waterway, such as a canal, closed off with gates, in which vessels in transit are raised or lowered by raising or lowering the water level of that section.3. A mechanism in a firearm for exploding the charge.4. An interlocking or entanglement of elements or parts.5. a. Sports A hold in wrestling or self-defense that is secured on a part of an opponent's body.b. A secure hold; control: The distributor has a lock on most of the market.c. A sure thing; a certainty: His promotion is a lock.v. locked, lock·ing, locks v.tr.1. a. To fasten the lock of: close and lock a drawer.b. To shut or make secure with or as if with locks: locked the house.2. To confine or exclude by or as if by means of a lock: locked the dog in for the night; locked the criminal up in a cell.3. To fix in place so that movement or escape is impossible; hold fast: The ship was locked in the ice through the winter. She felt that she had become locked into a binding agreement.4. a. To sight and follow (a moving target) automatically: locked the enemy fighter in the gun sights.b. To aim (a weapon or other device) at a moving target so as to follow it automatically: "The pilot had locked his targeting radar on the slow-moving frigate" (Ed Magnuson).5. To clasp or link firmly; intertwine or interlock: locked arms and walked away.6. To bind in close struggle or battle: The two dogs were locked in combat.7. a. To equip (a waterway) with locks.b. To pass (a vessel) through a lock.8. To invest (funds) in such a way that they cannot easily be converted into cash.9. To arrange or secure (an interest rate) for a loan.10. Computers a. To end the processing of (a magnetic tape or disk) in such a way as to deny access to its contents.b. To protect (a file) from changes or deletion.v.intr.1. To become fastened by or as if by means of a lock: The door locks automatically when shut.2. To become entangled or jammed; interlock.3. To become rigid or immobile: The mechanism tends to lock in cold weather.4. To pass through a lock or locks in a waterway.Phrasal Verbs: lock down1. To place (a facility or the people in it) in a lockdown.2. To arrange or secure (something) so that it does not change or can't be undone. lock out To withhold work from (employees) during a labor dispute.Idioms: lock horns To become embroiled in conflict. lock lips Slang To engage in a long kiss. lock, stock, and barrel To the greatest or most complete extent; wholly: an estate that was auctioned off lock, stock, and barrel. under lock and key Securely locked up.
[Middle English lok, from Old English loc, bolt, bar.]
lock′a·ble adj.

lock 2

L0221700 (lŏk)n.1. a. A length or curl of hair; a tress.b. often locks The hair of the head.2. A small wisp or tuft, as of wool or cotton.
[Middle English, lok, from Old English loc, locc.]


(lɒk) n1. (Mechanical Engineering) a device fitted to a gate, door, drawer, lid, etc, to keep it firmly closed and often to prevent access by unauthorized persons2. (Mechanical Engineering) a similar device attached to a machine, vehicle, etc, to prevent use by unauthorized persons: a steering lock. 3. (Nautical Terms) a. a section of a canal or river that may be closed off by gates to control the water level and the raising and lowering of vessels that pass through itb. (as modifier): a lock gate. 4. the jamming, fastening, or locking together of parts5. (Automotive Engineering) Brit the extent to which a vehicle's front wheels will turn to the right or left: this car has a good lock. 6. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun7. informal US and Canadian a person or thing that is certain to win or to succeed: she is a lock for the Academy Award. 8. lock, stock, and barrel completely; entirely9. (Wrestling) any wrestling hold in which a wrestler seizes a part of his opponent's body and twists it or otherwise exerts pressure upon it10. (Rugby) rugby Also called: lock forward either of two players who make up the second line of the scrum and apply weight to the forwards in the front line11. (General Engineering) a gas bubble in a hydraulic system or a liquid bubble in a pneumatic system that stops or interferes with the fluid flow in a pipe, capillary, etc: an air lock. vb12. to fasten (a door, gate, etc) or (of a door, etc) to become fastened with a lock, bolt, etc, so as to prevent entry or exit13. (tr) to secure (a building) by locking all doors, windows, etc14. to fix or become fixed together securely or inextricably15. to become or cause to become rigid or immovable: the front wheels of the car locked. 16. (when tr, often passive) to clasp or entangle (someone or each other) in a struggle or embrace17. (Nautical Terms) (tr) to furnish (a canal) with locks18. (Nautical Terms) (tr) to move (a vessel) through a system of locks19. lock horns (esp of two equally matched opponents) to become engaged in argument or battle20. lock the stable door after the horse has bolted lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen to take precautions after harm has been done[Old English loc; related to Old Norse lok] ˈlockable adj


(lɒk) n1. a strand, curl, or cluster of hair2. a tuft or wisp of wool, cotton, etc3. (plural) chiefly literary hair, esp when curly or fine[Old English loc; related to Old Frisian lok, Old Norse lokkr lock of wool]


n. 1. a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc. 2. any contrivance for fastening or securing something. 3. (in a firearm) the mechanism that explodes the charge; gunlock. 4. an enclosed chamber in a canal, dam, etc., with gates at each end, for raising or lowering vessels from one level to another by admitting or releasing water. 5. an air lock or decompression chamber. 6. complete and unchallenged control; an unbreakable hold: to have a lock on the senatorial nomination. 7. Slang. someone or something certain of success; sure thing. 8. any of various wrestling holds, esp. a hold secured on the arm, leg, or head. v.t. 9. to fasten or secure (a door, window, building, etc.) by the operation of a lock or locks. 10. to shut in by or as if by means of a lock, as for security or restraint. 11. to make fast or immovable by or as if by a lock: to lock the steering wheel on a car. 12. to join or unite firmly by interlinking or intertwining: to lock arms. 13. to hold fast in an embrace. 14. to move (a ship) by means of a lock or locks, as in a canal. 15. to furnish with locks, as a canal. v.i. 16. to become locked: This door locks with a key. 17. to become fastened, fixed, or interlocked: gears that lock into place. 18. to go or pass by means of a lock or locks, as a vessel. 19. lock in, a. to commit to unalterably. b. (of an investor) to be unable or unwilling to sell or shift securities. 20. lock on, to track an object automatically by electronic means. 21. lock out, a. to keep out by or as if by a lock. b. to subject (employees) to a lockout. 22. lock up, a. to imprison for a crime. b. to make (type) immovable in a chase by securing the quoins. c. to fasten or secure with a lock or locks. d. to lock the doors of a house, automobile, etc. e. to fasten or fix firmly, as by engaging parts. Idioms: 1. lock horns, to come into conflict; clash. 2. lock, stock, and barrel, with every part or item included; completely. [before 900; Middle English; Old English loc fastening, bar, c. Old Saxon lok, Old High German loh hole, Old Norse lok lid, end, Gothic -luk in usluk opening] lock′a•ble, adj.



n. 1. a tress, curl, or ringlet of hair. 2. locks, a. the hair of the head. b. short wool of inferior quality. [before 900; Middle English locke, Old English locc, c. Old Saxon lok, Old High German loc, Old Norse lokkr]


 a handful, armful, or small bundle; locks of hair on the head, collectively.Examples: lock of bacon, 1843; of cover, 1847; of corn, 1629; of cotton, 1849; of flax, 1673; of grass, 1661; of hair, 1526; of ham; of hay, 1575; of lightning, 1850; of money, 1804; of straw, 1563; of tar, 1823; of wheat, 1827; of wool, 1463.


Past participle: locked
Gerund: locking
I lock
you lock
he/she/it locks
we lock
you lock
they lock
I locked
you locked
he/she/it locked
we locked
you locked
they locked
Present Continuous
I am locking
you are locking
he/she/it is locking
we are locking
you are locking
they are locking
Present Perfect
I have locked
you have locked
he/she/it has locked
we have locked
you have locked
they have locked
Past Continuous
I was locking
you were locking
he/she/it was locking
we were locking
you were locking
they were locking
Past Perfect
I had locked
you had locked
he/she/it had locked
we had locked
you had locked
they had locked
I will lock
you will lock
he/she/it will lock
we will lock
you will lock
they will lock
Future Perfect
I will have locked
you will have locked
he/she/it will have locked
we will have locked
you will have locked
they will have locked
Future Continuous
I will be locking
you will be locking
he/she/it will be locking
we will be locking
you will be locking
they will be locking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been locking
you have been locking
he/she/it has been locking
we have been locking
you have been locking
they have been locking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been locking
you will have been locking
he/she/it will have been locking
we will have been locking
you will have been locking
they will have been locking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been locking
you had been locking
he/she/it had been locking
we had been locking
you had been locking
they had been locking
I would lock
you would lock
he/she/it would lock
we would lock
you would lock
they would lock
Past Conditional
I would have locked
you would have locked
he/she/it would have locked
we would have locked
you would have locked
they would have locked
Noun1.lock - a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closedlock - a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closeddeadbolt, bolt - the part of a lock that is engaged or withdrawn with a keycombination lock - lock that can be opened only by turning dials in a special sequencecylinder lock - a lock in which a cylinder rotates to move a bolt; tumblers are pins; inserting the key lifts and aligns the pins to free the cylinder to rotatedoor - a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building or vehicle; "he knocked on the door"; "he slammed the door as he left"doorlock - a lock on an exterior doordrawer - a boxlike container in a piece of furniture; made so as to slide in and outfastening, holdfast, fastener, fixing - restraint that attaches to something or holds something in placegate - a movable barrier in a fence or wallkeyhole - the hole where a key is inserteddoor latch, latch - spring-loaded doorlock that can only be opened from the outside with a keylever lock - a lock whose tumblers are levers that must be raised to a given position so that the bolt can movelid - a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc.; "he raised the piano lid"padlock - a detachable lock; has a hinged shackle that can be passed through the staple of a hasp or the links in a chain and then snapped shutsash fastener, sash lock, window lock - a lock attached to the sashes of a double hung window that can fix both in the shut positiontumbler - a movable obstruction in a lock that must be adjusted to a given position (as by a key) before the bolt can be thrown
2.lock - a strand or cluster of hairlock - a strand or cluster of hair ringlet, whorl, curlhair - a covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head); helps to prevent heat loss; "he combed his hair"; "each hair consists of layers of dead keratinized cells"coif, coiffure, hair style, hairdo, hairstyle - the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)sausage curl - a fat sausage-shaped curlforelock - a lock of hair growing (or falling) over the foreheadcrimp - a lock of hair that has been artificially waved or curleddreadlock - one of many long thin braids of hair radiating from the scalp; popularized by Rastafarians
3.lock - a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gunfirearm, small-arm, piece - a portable gun; "he wore his firearm in a shoulder holster"mechanism - device consisting of a piece of machinery; has moving parts that perform some function
4.lock - enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water levellock - enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through itlock chambercanal - long and narrow strip of water made for boats or for irrigationenclosure - a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose
5.lock - a restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the keyignition lockignition switch - switch that operates a solenoid that closes a circuit to operate the starterconstraint, restraint - a device that retards something's motion; "the car did not have proper restraints fitted"
6.lock - any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressuredwrestling hold - a hold used in the sport of wrestlinghammerlock - a wrestling hold in which the opponent's arm is twisted up behind his backheadlock - a wrestling hold in which the opponent's head is locked between the crook of your elbow and the side of your body
Verb1.lock - fasten with a lock; "lock the bike to the fence"fasten, fix, secure - cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man"padlock - fasten with a padlockbolt - secure or lock with a bolt; "bolt the door"lock away, put away, shut away, shut up, lock in, lock up, lock - place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape; "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe"lock up - secure by locking; "lock up the house before you go on vacation"unlock - become unlocked; "The door unlocked from the inside"unlock - open the lock of; "unlock the door"
2.lock - keep engaged; "engaged the gears"mesh, operate, engageflip, switch, throw - cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation; "switch on the light"; "throw the lever"ride - keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot; "Don't ride the clutch!"move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"
3.lock - become rigid or immoveable; "The therapist noticed that the patient's knees tended to lock in this exercise"engage - get caught; "make sure the gear is engaged"unlock - become unlocked; "The door unlocked from the inside"
4.lock - hold in a locking position; "He locked his hands around her neck"interlace, interlockhold, take hold - have or hold in one's hands or grip; "Hold this bowl for a moment, please"; "A crazy idea took hold of him"
5.lock - become engaged or intermeshed with one another; "They were locked in embrace"interlockhug, bosom, embrace, squeeze - squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness; "Hug me, please"; "They embraced"; "He hugged her close to him"
6.lock - hold fast (in a certain state); "He was locked in a laughing fit"overwhelm, sweep over, whelm, overpower, overtake, overcome - overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
7.lock - place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape; "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe"lock away, put away, shut away, shut up, lock in, lock upconfine - prevent from leaving or from being removed
8.lock - pass by means through a lock in a waterwaygo across, pass, go through - go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind"
9.lock - build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vesselsbuild, construct, make - make by combining materials and parts; "this little pig made his house out of straw"; "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"


1verb1. fasten, close, secure, shut, bar, seal, bolt, latch, sneck (dialect) Are you sure you locked the front door?2. unite, join, link, engage, mesh, clench, entangle, interlock, entwine He locked his fingers behind his head.3. embrace, press, grasp, clutch, hug, enclose, grapple, clasp, encircle He locked her in a passionate clinch.noun1. fastening, catch, bolt, clasp, padlock He heard her key turning in the lock.lock someone out shut out, bar, ban, exclude, keep out, debar, refuse admittance to My husband's locked me out.lock someone up imprison, jail, confine, cage, detain, shut up, incarcerate, send down (informal), send to prison, put behind bars You're mad. You should be locked up.


2noun strand, curl, tuft, tress, ringlet She brushed a lock of hair off his forehead.


verb1. To shut in with or as if with bars:bar, confine, wall.2. To put in jail.Also used with up:confine, detain, immure, imprison, incarcerate, intern, jail.


(lok) noun1. a mechanism for fastening doors etc. He put the key in the lock.2. a closed part of a canal for raising or lowering boats to a higher or lower part of the canal. (運河等的)船閘 船闸3. the part of a gun by which it is fired. (槍的)扳機 枪机4. a tight hold (in wrestling etc). (摔角等的)夾抱 揪扭,紧紧抓住(或抱住) verb to fasten or become fastened with a lock. She locked the drawer; This door doesn't lock. 鎖住 ˈlocker noun a small cupboard, especially for sports equipment. 置物櫃(尤指放運動裝備者) 有锁存物柜,寄物柜 ˈlocket (-kit) noun a little ornamental case hung round the neck. a gold locket containing a piece of his hair. (項鏈上的)裝飾盒 保藏记念品的贵重金属小盒ˈlocksmith noun a person who makes and mends locks. 鎖匠 锁匠lock in to prevent from getting out of a building etc by using a lock. She found she was locked in, and had to climb out of the window. 鎖在裡面 关在里面lock out to prevent from getting into a building etc by using a lock. Don't lock yourself out (of the house) by forgetting to take your key with you. 鎖在外面 关在外面lock up1. to confine or prevent from leaving or being taken away by using a lock. to lock up a prisoner / one's jewellery. 監禁,鎖藏 锁住,关押 2. to lock whatever should be locked. He locked up and left the shop about 5.30 p.m. 鎖好 锁好


(lok) noun1. a piece of hair. She cut off a lock of his hair. 一撮頭髮 一绺头发2. (in plural) hair. curly brown locks. 頭髮 头发


一束头发zhCN, 锁zhCN, 锁上zhCN
  • May I have a lock? (US)
    Can I have a lock? (UK) → 我能要一把车锁吗?
  • The wheels lock → 车轮抱死了
  • The lock is broken → 锁坏了
  • The door won't lock → 门锁不住


  • be locked in a time warp
  • goldie locks
  • have a lock on
  • have a lock on (someone or something)
  • in a lip lock
  • in a lip-lock
  • in lockstep (with someone or something)
  • level (one's) locks
  • level one’s locks
  • level the locks
  • lock (someone) up and throw away the key
  • lock away
  • lock horns
  • lock horns with, to
  • lock in
  • lock in on
  • lock in on (someone or something)
  • lock lips
  • lock lips (with someone)
  • lock on
  • lock on (to) (someone or something)
  • lock onto
  • lock onto (someone or something)
  • lock out
  • lock out of
  • lock the barn door after the horse has bolted
  • lock the barn/stable door after the horse has bolted/is stolen, to
  • lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • lock up
  • lock, stock and barrel
  • lock, stock, and barrel
  • locked down
  • locker-room
  • pick a lock
  • shut/lock/close the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • Turn your caps lock off!
  • under lock and key



1. a device fitted to a gate, door, drawer, lid, etc., to keep it firmly closed and often to prevent access by unauthorized persons 2. a similar device attached to a machine, vehicle, etc., to prevent use by unauthorized persons 3. a. a section of a canal or river that may be closed off by gates to control the water level and the raising and lowering of vessels that pass through it b. (as modifier): a lock gate 4. Brit the extent to which a vehicle's front wheels will turn to the right or left 5. any wrestling hold in which a wrestler seizes a part of his opponent's body and twists it or otherwise exerts pressure upon it 6. Rugby either of two players who make up the second line of the scrum and apply weight to the forwards in the front line 7. a gas bubble in a hydraulic system or a liquid bubble in a pneumatic system that stops or interferes with the fluid flow in a pipe, capillary, etc.


A device which fastens a door, gate, or window in position; may be opened or closed by a key or a dead bolt.



a closing device. Locks first appeared in the ancient empires of Assyria, Babylonia, and Egypt in about the second millennium B.C. Even the lock designs used in ancient Egypt incorporated elements used in modern locks. In Kievan Rus’, locks of various types were made that provided for the individuality of each lock. Modern locks are classified according to their design and the action of their mechanism as locks with and without tumblers, cylinder locks, and combination locks. Locks may be removable (including padlocks) or stationary, permanently installed (built-in, mortised, or surface-mounted locks).

In locks without tumblers, when the key is turned the crossbar (latch) is checked by a spring-loaded “dog” that enters the groove of the latch plank. The security of the lock is provided mainly by the shaped profile of the keyhole. In tumber locks, the crossbar (latch) consists of a set of differently shaped movable plates (tumblers). The key may be turned only if the projections of the key bit correspond exactly to the edges of certain tumblers. In such locks it is possible to provide various combinations of tumblers— for example, four standard tumblers arranged in certain sequences will yield 24 lock series.

The principle of operation of cylinder locks is analogous to that of tumbler locks, but pins are used instead of tumblers. If the pins fully enter the radial channels of the cylindrical core, the core can be rotated around its axis and the latch can be displaced. To achieve this, the lock’s “own” key must be inserted into the keyhole. If even only one of the notches on the working edge of the key displaces a pin with an error on the order of 0.1 mm, the key will not turn. This apparatus provides the high security of cylindrical mechanisms, which are virtually unique for each lock. The series of a lock is determined by the relative location of the pins; such a series can be expressed by a four-digit or five-digit number marked on the key. The security of cylindrical locks can be improved by changing the profile of the key slot in three dimensions. Combination locks contain not only the usual elements of a lock mechanism but also features to make possible their opening with or without a key by setting levers or rings according to a combination of numbers or letters assigned to the particular lock. In stationary locks, reliability can be improved by the use of two or more keys. The lock mechanism can be connected to a clock, so that the lock may be used only during predetermined time periods. Locks can also be connected to blocking, remote-control, or alarm systems.

In addition to various locks for doors and furniture, specially designed locks are used for other applications (for example, jewelry).


Goberman, G. E., and V. I. Bychkov. Zamki i skobianye pribory. Moscow, 1962.




in navigation, a hydraulic engineering installation that is located between bodies of water with different levels and through which vessels or rafts pass. Locks are built on canals, at hydraulic

Figure 1. Diagrams of a single lock: (1) approach canal, (2) lock chamber, (3) upstream end, (4) downstream end, (5) filling and emptying system, (6) gate, (7) docks, (8) guiding dolphins, (9) a bridge; (Ie) chamber length, (bc) chamber width, (L) lift, (LHP) level of the higher pool, (LLP) level of the lower pool

engineering complexes on rivers, and in seaports whose water area experiences large-amplitude tides.

A sketch of a lock was discovered in the papers of Leonardo da Vinci. Locks were first built in Western Europe in the 16th century and in Russia—on the Vyshnii Volok Water System—in the 18th century. In the USSR, many large locks have been constructed on numerous navigation canals, at reservoirs, and at hydraulic engineering complexes on the Volkhov, Dnieper, Svir’, Volga, and Kama rivers. A substantial number of large locks have been built in Western Europe and in the USA, for example, on the Ohio, Mississippi, and St. Lawrence rivers.

A lock (Figure 1) consists of chambers, ends, and approaches. A lock chamber, in which vessels to be raised or lowered are held, is formed by two longitudinal walls and a floor. As a rule, the walls and floor are made of reinforced concrete. The chamber is sealed by metal gates located within the upstream and downstream ends. According to the number of successive chambers in a lock, a distinction is made between single locks and flights of locks. The number of chambers in a lock depends on the magnitude of the change in water level and on the relief of the terrain. To increase the traffic capacity of a lock, two or more lanes of chambers are built in tandem.

The main dimensions of lock chambers—that is, their length and width—are chosen when a lock is designed. They depend on the category of the waterway, the amount of freight expected to be handled on the waterway, and the size of the largest vessel, train, or convoy the lock is designed to accommodate at one time. The chambers of the largest locks are up to 33 m wide, up to 400 m long, and—in locks in seaports—from 5 to 15 m deep at the sea entrance. Lock chambers are filled or emptied in a prescribed time, from 5 to 15 min, by means of filling or emptying valves and a culvert system.

The ends of a lock are usually massive headworks. In addition to gates, which maintain the difference in water levels and permit vessels to pass through when the levels of adjacent pools are equalized, the ends contain sluice culverts, equipment for eliminating water turbulence, repair and emergency booms, equipment control mechanisms, and automatic control systems. The approaches to a lock’s upstream and downstream ends comprise canals for sectors of a water area that contain both berthing facilities and facilities for mooring ships waiting to be locked and guiding structures for the safe entry of vessels into the lock.

The process of passing vessels through a lock, called lockage, consists in a sequence of operations that are carried out in accordance with commands issued from a control center. The operations include the opening and closing of gates and valves, the filling of the lock chambers with water, the emptying of the chambers, and the entry and departure of vessels. The number of lockages completed in a day during the continuous operation of a lock determines the traffic capacity of the lock.


Mikhailov, A. V. Sudokhodnye shliuzy. Moscow, 1966.
Grishin, M. M. Gidrotekhnicheskie sooruzheniia. Moscow, 1968.


What does it mean when you dream about a lock?

Locks in a dream may represent an inability to get what one wants, or being kept out. Perhaps some ability is locked up inside and needs to be expressed. Locks can also be symbols of security.


[läk] (civil engineering) A chamber with gates on both ends connecting two sections of a canal or other waterway, to raise or lower the water level in each section. (design engineering) A fastening device in which a releasable bolt is secured. (electronics) To fasten onto and automatically follow a target by means of a radar beam. (engineering) air lock (metallurgy) A condition in forging in which the flash line is in more than one plane. (ordnance) Position of a safety mechanism which prevents a weapon from being fired. Fastening device used to secure against accidental movement, as on a control surface. To secure or make safe, as to set the safety on a weapon.


A mechanical device that secures a door, gate, cabinet, or the like; may be operated by a key or by a dead bolt. The earliest door locks had a hardwood casing with working parts fabricated of metal; later, these were replaced by all-metal locks. A further significant advance in lock design was the invention of the pin-tumbler cylinder lock in 1848. Also see box lock, case lock, door lock, rim lock, stock lock.


(dreams)If things are locked up and we don’t have the key, then it is impossible for us to get to them. Consider the details in your dream and try to decipher the message. Are you the one who is locked up inside, or are opportunities closed to you? Locks in your dreams may represent those things that are currently inaccessible to you. Other interpretations suggest that locks are symbols of security and, at times, may have sexual connotations.



 [lok] 1. a place, often airtight, where something is sealed in.2. a device such as a clamp for holding something firmly in place.heparin lock see heparin lock.


(lok), A device for holding or closing.


Vox populi A device that prevents a particular action or activity. See Bloxham air lock, Heparin lock, Job lock, Vapor lock.


(lok) 1. An enclosing, fastening, or securing device. 2. A mechanism that, when moved, permits or obstructs passage.



Used in the context of general equities. Make a market both ways (bid andoffer) either on the bid, offering, or an in-between price only. Locking on the offering occurs to attract a seller, since the trader is willing to pay (and ask) the offering side when others only ask it. Locking on the bid side attracts buyers for similar reasons. Typically, the sell side requires a plus tick to comply with short sale rules.


LOCKLogical Co-processing Kernel


Related to lock: Lock jaw
  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for lock

verb fasten


  • fasten
  • close
  • secure
  • shut
  • bar
  • seal
  • bolt
  • latch
  • sneck

verb unite


  • unite
  • join
  • link
  • engage
  • mesh
  • clench
  • entangle
  • interlock
  • entwine

verb embrace


  • embrace
  • press
  • grasp
  • clutch
  • hug
  • enclose
  • grapple
  • clasp
  • encircle

noun fastening


  • fastening
  • catch
  • bolt
  • clasp
  • padlock

phrase lock someone out


  • shut out
  • bar
  • ban
  • exclude
  • keep out
  • debar
  • refuse admittance to

phrase lock someone up


  • imprison
  • jail
  • confine
  • cage
  • detain
  • shut up
  • incarcerate
  • send down
  • send to prison
  • put behind bars

noun strand


  • strand
  • curl
  • tuft
  • tress
  • ringlet

Synonyms for lock

verb to shut in with or as if with bars


  • bar
  • confine
  • wall

verb to put in jail


  • confine
  • detain
  • immure
  • imprison
  • incarcerate
  • intern
  • jail

Synonyms for lock

noun a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed

Related Words

  • deadbolt
  • bolt
  • combination lock
  • cylinder lock
  • door
  • doorlock
  • drawer
  • fastening
  • holdfast
  • fastener
  • fixing
  • gate
  • keyhole
  • door latch
  • latch
  • lever lock
  • lid
  • padlock
  • sash fastener
  • sash lock
  • window lock
  • tumbler

noun a strand or cluster of hair


  • ringlet
  • whorl
  • curl

Related Words

  • hair
  • coif
  • coiffure
  • hair style
  • hairdo
  • hairstyle
  • sausage curl
  • forelock
  • crimp
  • dreadlock

noun a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun

Related Words

  • firearm
  • small-arm
  • piece
  • mechanism

noun enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level


  • lock chamber

Related Words

  • canal
  • enclosure

noun a restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the key


  • ignition lock

Related Words

  • ignition switch
  • constraint
  • restraint

noun any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured

Related Words

  • wrestling hold
  • hammerlock
  • headlock

verb fasten with a lock

Related Words

  • fasten
  • fix
  • secure
  • padlock
  • bolt
  • lock away
  • put away
  • shut away
  • shut up
  • lock in
  • lock up
  • lock


  • unlock

verb keep engaged


  • mesh
  • operate
  • engage

Related Words

  • flip
  • switch
  • throw
  • ride
  • move
  • displace

verb become rigid or immoveable

Related Words

  • engage


  • unlock

verb hold in a locking position


  • interlace
  • interlock

Related Words

  • hold
  • take hold

verb become engaged or intermeshed with one another


  • interlock

Related Words

  • hug
  • bosom
  • embrace
  • squeeze

verb hold fast (in a certain state)

Related Words

  • overwhelm
  • sweep over
  • whelm
  • overpower
  • overtake
  • overcome

verb place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape


  • lock away
  • put away
  • shut away
  • shut up
  • lock in
  • lock up

Related Words

  • confine

verb pass by means through a lock in a waterway

Related Words

  • go across
  • pass
  • go through

verb build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels

Related Words

  • build
  • construct
  • make




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